shearing surface

shearing surface
поверхность среза [сдвига, скалывания]

Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "shearing surface" в других словарях:

  • Shearing (manufacturing) — Shearing, also known as die cutting,[1] is a process which cuts stock without the formation of chips or the use of burning or melting. Strictly speaking, if the cutting blades are straight the process is called shearing; if the cutting blades are …   Wikipedia

  • shearing — [shir′iŋ] n. 1. the action or process of cutting with or as with shears 2. something cut off with shears, as the amount of wool cut from sheep * * * (1919– ) an English jazz pianist and composer who was born blind. He has written many popular… …   Universalium

  • Surface mining — is a type of mining in which soil and rock overlying the mineral deposit are removed. It is the opposite of underground mining, in which the overlying rock is left in place, and the mineral removed through shafts or tunnels. Surface mining is… …   Wikipedia

  • Surface diffusion — [ adatom diffusing across a square surface lattice. Note the frequency of vibration of the adatom is greater than the jump rate to nearby sites. Also, the model displays examples of both nearest neighbor jumps (straight) and next nearest neighbor …   Wikipedia

  • Shearing interferometer — The shearing interferometer is an extremely simple means to observe interference and to use this phenomenon to test the collimation of light beams, especially from laser sources which have a coherence length which is usually a lot longer than the …   Wikipedia

  • Shearing — Shear Shear (sh[=e]r), v. t. [imp. {Sheared}or {Shore};p. p. {Sheared} or {Shorn}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Shearing}.] [OE. sheren, scheren, to shear, cut, shave, AS. sceran, scieran, scyran; akin to D. & G. scheren, Icel. skera, Dan. ski?re, Gr. ???.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Sheep shearing — Sheep shearing, shearing or clipping is the process by which the woollen fleece of a sheep is cut off. The person who removes the sheep s wool is called a shearer . Typically each adult sheep is shorn once each year (a sheep may be said to have… …   Wikipedia

  • Yield surface — A yield surface is a five dimensional surface in the six dimensional space of stresses. The state of stress of inside the yield surface is elastic. When the stress state lies on the surface the material is said to have reached its yield point and …   Wikipedia

  • textile — /teks tuyl, til/, n. 1. any cloth or goods produced by weaving, knitting, or felting. 2. a material, as a fiber or yarn, used in or suitable for weaving: Glass can be used as a textile. adj. 3. woven or capable of being woven: textile fabrics. 4 …   Universalium

  • Chip formation — The basic chip formation process. Chip formation is part of the process of cutting materials by mechanical means, using tools such as saws, lathes and milling cutters. An understanding of the theory and engineering of this formation is an… …   Wikipedia

  • Deepwater Horizon oil spill — 2010 oil spill and BP oil spill redirect here. For other oil spills in 2010, see 2010 oil spill (disambiguation). For the 2006 oil spill involving BP, see Prudhoe Bay oil spill. For the drilling rig and explosion, see Deepwater Horizon… …   Wikipedia

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