sewer flusher

sewer flusher

Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "sewer flusher" в других словарях:

  • John Cage (character) — Ally Mcbeal Character name=John Cage occupation=lawyer, Senior Partner Cage and Fish. seasons=1 4, some episodes in season 5. portrayer=Peter MacNicolJohn Cage is a fictional character in the television show Ally McBeal , played by Peter MacNicol …   Wikipedia

  • flush — flush1 flushable, adj. flusher, n. flushingly, adv. flushness, n. /flush/, n. 1. a blush; rosy glow: a flush of embarrassment on his face. 2. a rushing or overspreading flow, as of water …   Universalium

  • flush — I. /flʌʃ / (say flush) noun 1. a blush; a rosy glow. 2. a rushing or overspreading flow, as of water. 3. a rush of emotion; elation: the first flush of success; the flush of victory. 4. glowing freshness or vigour: the flush of youth. 5. the hot… …  

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