settling pond

settling pond
отстойный бассейн [пруд], отстойник

Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "settling pond" в других словарях:

  • settling pond — noun An artificial pond into which water containing effluent from a mine, etc is discharged and in which harmful sediment is deposited • • • Main Entry: ↑settle …   Useful english dictionary

  • Settling basin — Settling pond under construction, Blue Ribbon Mine, Alaska A settling basin, settling pond or decant pond are devices used to treat turbidity in industrial wastewater. The basins are used to control water pollution in diverse industries such as… …   Wikipedia

  • Dew pond — Typical example of downland dew pond near Chanctonbury Ring, West Sussex. 50°53′47″N 0°23 …   Wikipedia

  • Duck pond — A duck pond in the Queen Elizabeth Park A duck pond is a pond for ducks and other water fowl. Duck ponds provide habitats for water fowl and other birds, who use the water to bathe in and drink. Typically, such ponds are round, oval or kidney… …   Wikipedia

  • Waste pond — A waste pond or chemical pond is a small impounded water body used for the disposal of water pollutants, and sometimes utilized as a method of recycling or decomposing toxic substances. Such waste ponds may be used for regular disposal of… …   Wikipedia

  • Cooling pond — Not to be confused with Spent fuel pool. Mount Storm Lake is a 1,200 acres (4.9 km2) cooling pond for a power plant in Grant County, West Virginia. A cooling pond is a man made body of water primarily formed for the purpose of supplying… …   Wikipedia

  • Melt pond — As ice melts, the liquid water collects in depressions on the surface and deepens them, forming these melt ponds in the Arctic. These fresh water ponds are separated from the salty sea below and around it, until breaks in the ice merge the two.… …   Wikipedia

  • Treatment pond — A treatment pond treats water fouled by anaerobic bacteria. It is largely used by tree nurseries, dairy farms and other agricultural companies near horse or cattle sheds or barns. The pond treats unclean rainwater and animal effluent so that it… …   Wikipedia

  • Anchialine pool — Anchialine Ponds in Waikaloa Beach, Hawaii An anchialine pool or pond is a landlocked body with a subterranean connection to the ocean. Anchialine pools are a feature of coastal aquifers which are density stratified, with the water near the… …   Wikipedia

  • Coffee ring — In physics, a coffee ring is a pattern left by a puddle of particle laden liquid after it evaporates. The phenomenon is named for the characteristic ring like deposit along the perimeter of a spill of coffee. It is also commonly seen after… …   Wikipedia

  • Puddle — This article is about the liquid phenomenon. For other uses, see Puddle (disambiguation). A seep puddle in a forest clearing A puddle is a small accumulation of liquid, usually water, on a surface. It can form either by pooling in a depression on …   Wikipedia

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