secondary consolidation

secondary consolidation
вторичная консолидация (грунта)

Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "secondary consolidation" в других словарях:

  • Consolidation (soil) — Consolidation is a process by which soils decrease in volume. According to Karl Terzaghi consolidation is any process which involves decrease in water content of a saturated soil without replacement of water by air. [citation needed] In general… …   Wikipedia

  • secondary action — Under Section 20 of the Trade Union and Labour Relations (Consolidation) Act 1992, trade union immunity does not apply in the event of secondary action; i.e. action other than against the employer in question. However under Section 220 of the Act …   Law dictionary

  • Consolidation of Sweden — Approximate borders of Sweden in the 12th century before the incorporation of Finland during the 13th century. Blue and yellow represents the Geats and Suiones tribes; their unification marks the consolidation of Sweden (in one commonly held… …   Wikipedia

  • National Docks Secondary — As seen in map circa 1905, rail lines dominated the city at the turn of the century. The National Docks Railway ran along the shores of the not yet landfilled bay, now site of Liberty State Park …   Wikipedia

  • Democratic consolidation — is the process by which a new democracy matures, in a way that means it is unlikely to revert to authoritarianism without an external shock. The notion is contested because it is not clear that there is anything substantive that happens to new… …   Wikipedia

  • Criminal law consolidation Acts 1861 — The criminal law consolidation Acts 1861 (24 25 Vict. cc. 94 100) were Acts of the Parliament of the United Kingdom. They consolidated provisions from a large number of earlier statutes which were then repealed. Their purpose was to simplify the… …   Wikipedia

  • Pei Hwa Secondary School — Infobox Singapore School name = Pei Hwa Secondary School 培华中学 motto = Nurturing talents established = 2005 type = Government session = Single principal = Miss Chong Hoi Neng (2005 ) city/town = Sengkang West, Fernvale school code = 3073 colours …   Wikipedia

  • Elementary and Secondary Education Act — The Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) (USPL|89|10, USStat|79|27, usctc|20|70) is a United States federal statute enacted April 111965. The Act is an extensive statute which funds primary and secondary education. As mandated in the Act …   Wikipedia

  • Companies (Consolidation) Act 1908 — Parliament of the United Kingdom Dates Royal Assent 1908 Status: The …   Wikipedia

  • Trade Union and Labour Relations (Consolidation) Act 1992 — The Trade Union and Labour Relations (Consolidation) Act 1992 is a UK Act of Parliament which regulates the operation of trade unions and industrial action, and governs relations between employers and unions. Many of the provisions of the Act… …   Wikipedia

  • settling — /set ling, l ing/, n. 1. the act of a person or thing that settles. 2. Usually, settlings. sediment. [1400 50; late ME; see SETTLE1, ING1] * * * In building construction, the gradual subsiding of a structure as the soil beneath its foundation… …   Universalium

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