scum skimmer

scum skimmer

Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "scum skimmer" в других словарях:

  • skimmer — /skim euhr/, n. 1. a person or thing that skims. 2. a shallow utensil, usually perforated, used in skimming liquids. 3. any of several gull like birds of the family Rynchopidae, that skim the water with the elongated lower mandible immersed while …   Universalium

  • skimmer — noun 1》 a person or thing that skims. 2》 a long winged seabird which feeds by skimming over the water surface with its knife like lower mandible immersed. [Genus Rynchops: three species.] 3》 North American term for darter (in sense 3). 4》 chiefly …   English new terms dictionary

  • skimmer — n. 1 a device for skimming liquids. 2 a person who skims. 3 a flat hat, esp. a broad brimmed straw hat. 4 any long winged marine bird of the genus Rynchops that feeds by skimming over water with its knifelike lower mandible immersed. 5 a… …   Useful english dictionary

  • skim — (v.) early 15c. (skimmer, the utensil, is attested from late 14c.), to clear (a liquid) from matter floating on the surface, from O.Fr. escumer remove scum, from escume (Fr. écume) scum, from a Germanic source (Cf. O.H.G. scum scum, Ger. Schaum;… …   Etymology dictionary

  • Scummer — Scum mer, n. [Cf. OF. escumoire, F. [ e]cumoire. See {Scum}, and cf. {Skimmer}.] An instrument for taking off scum; a skimmer. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • skim — verb (skims, skimming, skimmed) 1》 remove (a substance) from the surface of a liquid. 2》 move quickly and lightly over or on a surface or through the air.     ↘throw (a flat stone) so that it bounces several times on the surface of water. 3》 read …   English new terms dictionary

  • skim — v. & n. v. (skimmed, skimming) 1 tr. a take scum or cream or a floating layer from the surface of (a liquid). b take (cream etc.) from the surface of a liquid. 2 tr. a keep touching lightly or nearly touching (a surface) in passing over. b deal… …   Useful english dictionary

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