science block

science block
здание центра научных исследований, здание научно-исследовательского института

Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

Игры ⚽ Поможем решить контрольную работу

Смотреть что такое "science block" в других словарях:

  • block — block1 W2S2 [blɔk US bla:k] n ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(solid material)¦ 2¦(streets/area)¦ 3¦(large building)¦ 4¦(quantity of things)¦ 5 block booking/voting 6¦(inability to think)¦ 7¦(stopping movement)¦ 8¦(punishment)¦ 9 put your he …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • Block scheduling — is a type of academic scheduling in which each student has fewer classes per day for a longer period of time. This is intended to result in more time for teaching due to less class switching and preparation. It also allows for a student to take… …   Wikipedia

  • Block design test — Block design is a subtest on many intelligence tests that tests visuospatial and motor skills. The testee is required to take blocks that have all white sides, all red sides, and red and white sides and arrange them according to a pattern. They… …   Wikipedia

  • Science and the Church — • Dicsusses the relationship between the two subjects Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Science and the Church     Science and the Church      …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Science and technology in Iran — Science and technology in Iran, formerly known as Persia, have a history, like the country itself. Persia was a cradle of science in earlier times. Persian scientists contributed to the current understanding of nature, medicine, mathematics, and… …   Wikipedia

  • BLOCK, H & R — BLOCK, H & R, U.S. tax preparation and financial services firm. HENRY WOLLMAN BLOCH (1922– ) was born in Kansas City, Mo., the second son of a prominent lawyer. He began his college career at the University of Missouri but transferred to the… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Science and Consciousness Review — (SCR) is a website presenting publicly accessible summaries of scientific studies of consciousness and related issues. SCR is one of a number of web resources about the scientific study of consciousness, including the Association for the… …   Wikipedia

  • Block [2] — Block, 1) Albrecht, Landwirt, geb. 5. März 1774 in Sagan, gest. 21. Nov. 1847, bewirtschaftete mehrere Güter, kaufte 1811 das Gut Schönau und errichtete hier eine landwirtschaftliche Lehranstalt. 1838 wurde er Direktor des schlesischen… …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

  • Block — Block, Moritz, Statistiker und Nationalökonom, geb. 18. Febr. 1816 zu Berlin, seit 1818 in Paris, 1852 62 zweiter Chef des Statist. Bureaus, gest. das. 9. Jan. 1901. Hauptwerke: »Dictionnaire de l administration française« (neue Bearbeitung 1898) …   Kleines Konversations-Lexikon

  • Block & Bridle — The National Block Bridle Club (B B) is a college club founded on December 2, 1919, in Chicago by Iowa State University, Kansas State University, University of Missouri, and University of Nebraska. Today, Block Bridle has 92 college chapters in… …   Wikipedia

  • Block cellular automaton — The Margolus neighborhood for a two dimensional block cellular automaton. The partition of the cells alternates between the set of 2 × 2 blocks indicated by the solid blue lines, and the set of blocks indicated by the dashed red lines. A block… …   Wikipedia

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