sand screen

sand screen
1. фильтровая труба с перфорацией; сетчатый фильтр
2. песчаный экран (в канале перед водоприёмным регулятором)

Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "sand screen" в других словарях:

  • Screen — (skr[=e]n), n. [OE. scren, OF. escrein, escran, F. [ e]cran, of uncertain origin; cf. G. schirm a screen, OHG. scirm, scerm a protection, shield, or G. schragen a trestle, a stack of wood, or G. schranne a railing.] 1. Anything that separates or… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Screen door — Screen Screen (skr[=e]n), n. [OE. scren, OF. escrein, escran, F. [ e]cran, of uncertain origin; cf. G. schirm a screen, OHG. scirm, scerm a protection, shield, or G. schragen a trestle, a stack of wood, or G. schranne a railing.] 1. Anything that …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Screen window — Screen Screen (skr[=e]n), n. [OE. scren, OF. escrein, escran, F. [ e]cran, of uncertain origin; cf. G. schirm a screen, OHG. scirm, scerm a protection, shield, or G. schragen a trestle, a stack of wood, or G. schranne a railing.] 1. Anything that …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Screen Actors Guild Award du meilleur acteur dans un rôle principal — Screen Actors Guild Award du meilleur acteur dans un premier rôle Le Screen Actors Guild Award du meilleur acteur dans un premier rôle est le prix remis chaque année par la Screen Actors Guild aux États Unis lors de la cérémonie annuelle des… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • screen — [skrēn] n. [ME skrene, sieve, curtain < OFr escren < Gmc, as in OHG scerm (Ger shirm), guard, protection, screen < IE base * (s)ker , to cut > SHEAR, SCORE] 1. a) a light, movable, covered frame or series of frames hinged together,… …   English World dictionary

  • Sand Trap Inn by Vacasa — (Кэннон Бич,США) Категория отеля: 4 звездочный отель Адрес: 539 South Hemlock Street …   Каталог отелей

  • Sand Bar Motel — (Lakes Entrance,Австралия) Категория отеля: 3 звездочный отель Адрес: 637 The Esplana …   Каталог отелей

  • Screen protector — A screen protector is used to protect the LCD screens of digital, electronic devices. The personal digital assistant (PDA) is, perhaps, the most commonly used gadget for which screen protectors are used since PDAs are operated via a stylus. If… …   Wikipedia

  • screen — /skrin / (say skreen) noun 1. a covered frame or the like, movable or fixed, serving as a shelter, partition, etc.: a firescreen. 2. an ornamental partition of wood, stone, etc., as in a church. 3. something affording a surface for displaying… …  

  • Sand Saref — Supersupportingbox| character name =Sand Saref comic color=background:#000 publisher = debut = January 8, 1950 Sand Saref creators = Will Eisner full name = affiliation = status = AliveSand Saref is a fictional character from the comic book The… …   Wikipedia

  • Screen Actors Guild Award du meilleur acteur dans un premier rôle — Le Screen Actors Guild Award du meilleur acteur dans un premier rôle est le prix remis chaque année par la Screen Actors Guild aux États Unis lors de la cérémonie annuelle des Screen Actors Guild Awards depuis 1995. Sommaire 1 Historique 2… …   Wikipédia en Français

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