- rosin
- канифоль; гарпиус; древесная смола* * *природная смола; канифоль
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Rosin — ist der Familienname folgender Personen: Daniel Rosin (* 1980), deutscher Fußballspieler David Rosin (1823–1894), jüdischer Gelehrter und Theologe Frank Rosin (* 1966), deutscher Koch Harry Rosin (* 1943), deutscher Mediziner und Umweltforscher… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Rosin — Ros in, n. [A variant of resin.] The hard, amber colored resin left after distilling off the volatile oil of turpentine; colophony. [1913 Webster] {Rosin oil}, an oil obtained from the resin of the pine tree, used by painters and for lubricating… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Rosin — Ros in, v. t. To rub with rosin, as musicians rub the bow of a violin. [1913 Webster] Or with the rosined bow torment the string. Gay. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
rosin — ► NOUN ▪ resin, especially the solid amber residue obtained after distilling oil of turpentine and used for treating the bows of stringed instruments. ► VERB (rosined, rosining) ▪ rub or treat with rosin. ORIGIN Latin rosina, from resina resin … English terms dictionary
rosin — [räz′ən] n. [ME, altered < MFr, resine,RESIN] the hard, brittle resin, light yellow to almost black in color, remaining after oil of turpentine has been distilled from crude turpentine or obtained from chemically treated pine stumps: it is… … English World dictionary
Rosin — Rosin, Heinrich, Jurist, geb. 14. Sept. 1855 in Breslau, habilitierte sich, nachdem er mehrere Jahre im praktischen Justizdienst tätig gewesen war, daselbst 1880 und wurde 1883 außerordentlicher Professor in Freiburg, 1888 ordentlicher Professor… … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
rosin — (n.) mid 14c., from O.Fr. raisine, variant of résine (see RESIN (Cf. resin)). The verb is from late 15c … Etymology dictionary
rosin — Rosin, Roseus … Thresor de la langue françoyse
Rosin — For other uses, see Rosin (disambiguation). A cake of rosin, made for use by violinists, used here for soldering . Rosin, also called colophony or Greek pitch (Pix græca), is a solid form of resin obtained from pines and some other plants, mostly … Wikipedia
rosin — rosiny, adj. /roz in/, n. Also called colophony. 1. Chem. the yellowish to amber, translucent, hard, brittle, fragmented resin left after distilling the oil of turpentine from the crude oleoresin of the pine: used chiefly in making varnishes,… … Universalium
rosin — ros·in || rÉ’zɪn n. (Chemistry) yellowish or brownish resin derived from the oleoresin or wood of pine trees (commonly used in varnishes, inks, and as a treatment for the bow of some musical instruments) v. rub with rosin, treat with rosin … English contemporary dictionary