rigid envelope

rigid envelope
жёсткая оболочка
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жёсткая оболочка

Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "rigid envelope" в других словарях:

  • envelope — ► NOUN 1) a flat paper container with a sealable flap, used to enclose a letter or document. 2) a covering or containing structure or layer. 3) the outer housing of a vacuum tube, electric light, etc. 4) the structure within a balloon or non… …   English terms dictionary

  • envelope — [än′və lōp΄, en′′və lōp΄] n. [Fr & OFr enveloppe < OFr envoluper: see ENVELOP] 1. a thing that envelops; wrapper; covering 2. a folded paper container as for a letter, usually with a gummed flap for sealing 3. a) the outer covering of a rigid… …   English World dictionary

  • Rigid airship — A rigid airship was a type of airship in which the envelope retained its shape by the use of an internal structural framework rather than by being forced into shape by the pressure of the lifting gas within the envelope as used in blimps and semi …   Wikipedia

  • rigid — rigidity, rigidness, n. rigidly, adv. /rij id/, adj. 1. stiff or unyielding; not pliant or flexible; hard: a rigid strip of metal. 2. firmly fixed or set. 3. inflexible, strict, or severe: a rigid disciplinarian; rigid rules of social behavior. 4 …   Universalium

  • rigid — /ˈrɪdʒəd / (say rijuhd) adjective 1. stiff or unyielding; not pliant or flexible; hard. 2. firmly fixed, set, or not moving. 3. inflexible, strict, or severe: a rigid discipline; a rigid disciplinarian. 4. rigorously strict regarding opinion or… …  

  • rigid — rig•id [[t]ˈrɪdʒ ɪd[/t]] adj. 1) stiff; unyielding; not pliant: a rigid strip of metal[/ex] 2) firmly fixed or set 3) strict; severe: rigid rules[/ex] 4) exacting; rigorous: a rigid examination[/ex] 5) mec phs Mech. of or pertaining to a body in… …   From formal English to slang

  • Semi-rigid airship — Semi rigid airships are airships with a partial framework. These often consist of a rigid, occasionally flexible, keel frame along the long axis under the aerodynamic hull envelope. The partial framework can also be inside the hull. Semi rigids… …   Wikipedia

  • Airship — For other uses, see Airship (disambiguation). Dirigible redirects here. For the 1931 film, see Dirigible (film). Not to be confused with Balloon (aircraft) or Blimp. Airship …   Wikipedia

  • N class blimp — N class Role Patrol airship Manufacturer Goodyear Aircraft Corporation Primary user …   Wikipedia

  • NS class blimp — North Sea class N.S.8 Role Naval patrol airship …   Wikipedia

  • cell — cell1 cell like, adj. /sel/, n. 1. a small room, as in a convent or prison. 2. any of various small compartments or bounded areas forming part of a whole. 3. a small group acting as a unit within a larger organization: a local cell of the… …   Universalium

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