- resistance
- 1) сопротивление; сопротивляемость; прочность2) стойкость, устойчивость3) противодействие•
resistance to abrasion — абразивостойкость, сопротивляемость к износу
resistance to air permeability — сопротивление воздухопроницанию
resistance to bond — прочность в связях
resistance to cold — морозостойкость
resistance to cracking — трещиностойкость
resistance to driving — сопротивление забивке
resistance to effects of heat — теплостойкость
resistance to end crushing — сопротивление раздавливанию древесины вдоль волокна
resistance to frost — морозостойкость
resistance to heat absorption — сопротивление тепловосприятию
resistance to heat convection — сопротивление теплоотдаче
resistance to heat transfer — сопротивление теплопередаче
resistance to impact — сопротивление удару
resistance to lateral bending — сопротивление продольному изгибу, выпучиванию
resistance to pile driving — сопротивление забивке, силовая реакция сваи, шпунта
resistance to repeated non-alternating stresses — предел усталости при однозначных циклах
resistance to separation — сопротивление отрыву
resistance to shock — сопротивление удару, сопротивление толчку
resistance to traction — сопротивление движению
resistance to vapour permeability — сопротивление паропроницанию
resistance to wear — сопротивление износу, прочность на износ, износостойкость
resistance to weather — сопротивление выветриванию; сопротивление атмосферным влияниям
- abrasive resistance - acoustic resistance - active resistance - age resistance - ageing resistance - air resistance - alkali resistance - apparent resistance - appendages resistance - bearing resistance - bending resistance - brake resistance - bruise resistance - buckling resistance - bulk resistance - coefficient of subgrade resistance - compressive resistance - contact resistance - corrosion resistance - corrosive resistance - crack resistance - cutting resistance - design resistance - elastic resistance - environmental resistance - erosion resistance - fatigue resistance - fire resistance - flexing resistance - flow resistance - freeze resistance - friction resistance - frost resistance - grade resistance - grade of fire resistance - head resistance - heat resistance - humidity resistance - hydraulic resistance - hydrodynamic resistance - impact resistance - inertia resistance - input resistance - lateral resistance - leak resistance - loss resistance - moisture resistance - moment resistance - off-design resistance - oil resistance - penetration resistance - point resistance - pull-out resistance - sag resistance - skid resistance - skin resistance - skin friction resistance - slip resistance - spalling resistance - specific resistance - splitting resistance - spring resistance - static resistance - submerged resistance - support resistance - thermal resistance - torsional resistance - twisting resistance - ultimate resistance - unit resistance - water resistance - wear resistance - weather resistanceresistance to withdrawal of nails — сопротивление выдёргиванию гвоздей
* * *1. сопротивление, сопротивляемость2. прочность; устойчивость3. стойкостьresistance to air passage [penetration, permeability] — воздухонепроницаемость
resistance to chemical attack — химическая стойкость
resistance to freezing and thawing — морозостойкость
resistance to heat absorption — сопротивление тепловосприятию
resistance to heat transfer — сопротивление теплопередаче
resistance to plastic flow — сопротивление пластическому течению
resistance to rotation — сопротивление повороту (конца стержня и т. п.)
resistance to rupture — сопротивление разрыву, прочность на разрыв
resistance to vapor passage [penetration, permeability] — паронепроницаемость
resistance to water attack — водостойкость
- abrasion resistanceresistance to wear — абразивостойкость
- acid resistance
- age resistance
- air flow resistance
- air-to-air resistance
- alkali resistance
- ascent resistance
- bearing resistance
- bending resistance
- boil resistance
- buckling resistance
- compression resistance
- continuous tangential resistance
- cracking resistance
- crushing resistance
- cutting resistance
- driving resistance
- driving resistance of a pile
- dynamic resistance
- dynamic pile resistance
- end resistance
- enhanced slip resistance
- fatigue resistance
- filter resistance
- final filter resistance
- fire resistance
- fire resistance of separating element
- flow resistance
- freezing resistance
- frictional resistance
- frost resistance
- heat resistance
- heating resistance
- heat transmission resistance
- hold resistance to extraction
- hydraulic resistance
- impact resistance
- initial filter resistance
- light resistance
- local resistance
- passive resistance
- penetration resistance
- pile resistance
- pullout resistance
- rupture resistance
- scratch resistance
- seismic resistance
- shaft friction resistance
- shearing resistance
- shear resistance
- shock resistance
- sliding resistance
- specific resistance
- specific driving resistance
- sulfate resistance
- surface resistance
- surface heat transfer resistance
- thermal resistance
- thermal boundary resistance
- thermal shock resistance
- tinting resistance
- tip resistance
- torsional resistance
- traction resistance
- ultimate resistance
- ultimate static frictional resistance
- vapor resistance
- water resistance
- weather resistance
- wind resistance
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.