resident engineer

resident engineer
1) инженер-строитель; прораб
2) инспектор технадзора (представитель заказчика) на строительной площадке
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инспектор технадзора (представитель заказчика) на строительной площадке

Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "resident engineer" в других словарях:

  • resident engineer — inžinierius užsakovo atstovas statusas T sritis profesijos apibrėžtis Inžinierius, statomame arba įrengiamame objekte atstovaujantis užsakovą. atitikmenys: angl. resident engineer pranc. ingénieur en résidence, m; ingénieur résident, m …   Inžinieriai, technikai ir technologai. Trikalbis aiškinamasis žodynėlis

  • resident — /ˈrɛzədənt/ (say rezuhduhnt) noun 1. someone who resides in a place. 2. British a resident ambassador. 3. a bird, animal, etc., that does not migrate. –adjective 4. residing; dwelling in a place. 5. a. living or staying at a place in discharge of …  

  • resident — I. adjective Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo French, from Latin resident , residens, present participle of residēre Date: 14th century 1. a. living in a place for some length of time ; residing b. serving in a regular or full time capacity… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • Engineer's degree — An engineer s degree is a graduate academic degree intermediate in rank between a master s degree and a doctoral degree in the United States. In Europe, it can be an approximately five year degree roughly equivalent to a master s degree. The… …   Wikipedia

  • Thomas Brown (engineer) — Thomas Brown (1772 – January 30 1850) was an English surveyor, civil engineer, businessman and landowner.Born at Disley in Cheshire, he had interests in coal mining, particularly in the Haughton and Hyde areas of Greater Manchester, as well as… …   Wikipedia

  • William Binnie (engineer) — William James Eames Binnie (10 October 1867 ndash; 4 October 1949) was a British civil engineer. [ Oxford Dictionary of National Biography entry] ] William was the son of Alexander Binnie the famed civil… …   Wikipedia

  • Martin Murphy (civil engineer) — Martin Murphy (11 November 1832, Coolycarney, Wexford, Ireland 9 January 1926, St. Catharines, Ontario)[1] was an Irish born Canadian civil engineer. Murphy was educated at public schools and privately, and began engineering work in 1852 on the… …   Wikipedia

  • John Coode (engineer) — Infobox Engineer image width = 150px caption = A woodcut of John Coode made after his death name = John Coode nationality = English birth date = November 11 1816 birth place = Bodmin, Cornwall death date = Death date and age|1892|3|2|1816|11|11… …   Wikipedia

  • William Adams (locomotive engineer) — For William Bridges Adams, inventor, writer and locomotive engineer, see here. William Adams (1823–1904) was the Locomotive Superintendent of the North London Railway from 1858 to 1873; the Great Eastern Railway from 1873 until 1878 and the… …   Wikipedia

  • William B. Taylor (NY engineer) — William Burdick Taylor (February 27, 1824 Manchester, Ontario County, New York February 1, 1895) was an American civil engineer and politician from New York.LifeHe was educated at Utica, New York, and studied engineering in his brother s office.… …   Wikipedia

  • Hugh Baird (engineer) — Hugh Baird (10 September 1770 ndash; 24 September 1827) was a Scottish civil engineer, who designed and built the Union Canal. Born at Westerton near Glasgow, he was the son of Nicol Baird, surveyor to the Forth and Clyde Canal, and was the… …   Wikipedia

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