- representative fraction
- численный масштаб (карты, плана)
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
representative fraction — noun : a map scale in which figures representing units (as centimeters, inches, or feet) are expressed in the form of the fraction 1/x (as 1/250,000) or of the ratio 1:x to indicate that one unit on the map represents x units (as 250,000… … Useful english dictionary
representative fraction — mastelis statusas T sritis Gynyba apibrėžtis Linijos ilgio žemėlapyje, plane ar fotografijoje ir jos horizontaliosios projekcijos ilgio vietovėje santykis. atitikmenys: angl. numerical scale; representative fraction; scale pranc. échelle; échelle … NATO terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
representative fraction — The scale of a map, chart, or photograph expressed as a fraction or ratio. See also scale … Military dictionary
representative fraction — The ratio between map or photo distance and ground distance expressed as a fraction in the same unit of measurement. It is one of the methods of indicating scale and is written as 1/1,000,000 for a million map, etc … Aviation dictionary
sampling fraction — ˈsampling ˌfraction noun [countable] STATISTICS the relationship between the size of a group that is chosen to take part in a study, and the size of the whole group: • Estimating the average height of adult males in the British population would… … Financial and business terms
Development Fraction — The Development Fraction (Indonesian: Fraksi Pembangunan) was a parliamentary group in the Indonesian People s Representative Council. It was formed after the 1955 parliamentary election, by seven independents elected on Communist Party of… … Wikipedia
National Progressive Fraction — The National Progressive Fraction was a parliamentary group in the Indonesian People s Representative Council, formed after the 1955 parliamentary election. The group consisted of ten Members of Parliament, all elected from Java.[1] Members;… … Wikipedia
Scale (map) — The scale of a map is defined as the ratio of a distance on the map to the corresponding distance on the ground. If the region of the map is small enough for the curvature of the Earth to be neglected, then the scale may be taken as a constant… … Wikipedia
Isotopes de l'hydrogène — Le protium, l isotope le pus commun de hydrogène, constitué d un proton et d un électron. Cas unique, c est le seul isotope stable sans neutron. L hydrogène (H) (masse atomique standard: 1,00782504(7) u) possède trois isotopes naturels, parfois… … Wikipédia en Français
Isotopes de l'hélium — L hélium (He) (masse atomique standard: 4,002602(2) u) possède huit isotopes connus, mais seulement deux sont stables, l hélium 3 (3He) et l hélium 4 (4He). Tous les radioisotopes de l hélium ont une durée de vie courte, 6He, celui à la durée la… … Wikipédia en Français
Isotopes du bore — Le bore (B) est un élément présent dans la nature sous la forme de deux isotopes stables, 10B et 11B, le second représentant 80% du bore naturel. Il possède une masse atomique standard de 10.811(7) u. Douze radioisotopes du bore ont été… … Wikipédia en Français