
1) арматура (железобетона, железокирпича)
2) армирование; укрепление, усиление

congested with reinforcement — насыщенный арматурой

to anchor reinforcement to concrete — закреплять арматуру в бетоне

to congest with reinforcement — насыщать арматурой

to grip reinforcement — защемлять арматуру

to jack reinforcement — натягивать арматуру домкратами

to pretension reinforcement — натягивать арматуру на упоры

to tension reinforcement — натягивать, напрягать арматуру

to tension reinforcement by electrical heating — натягивать арматуру электротехническим способом

- reinforcement of weld - agent of reinforcement - assembling reinforcement - bar reinforcement - bar-mat reinforcement - bent reinforcement - bent-up reinforcement - bridge reinforcement - cable reinforcement - compression reinforcement - compressive reinforcement - concrete reinforcement - confinement reinforcement - diagonal reinforcement - dispersed reinforcement - distribution steel reinforcement - double reinforcement - double-layer reinforcement - end-anchored reinforcement - fabric reinforcement - flake reinforcement - flexible reinforcement - glass-fibre reinforcement - gripped reinforcement - hooped reinforcement - ring or mesh reinforcement - iron reinforcement - lateral reinforcement - load-bearing reinforcement - longitudinal reinforcement - main reinforcement - marginal reinforcement - masonry reinforcement - mesh reinforcement - negative reinforcement - negative moment reinforcement - nonprestressed reinforcement - nylon reinforcement - particular reinforcement - pitch reinforcement - positive reinforcement - positive moment reinforcement - prefabricated reinforcement - prestressed reinforcement - principal reinforcement - ribbon reinforcement - rigid reinforcement - secondary reinforcement - shear reinforcement - shrinkage and temperature reinforcement - single-layer reinforcement - spiral reinforcement - steel reinforcement - steel-mash reinforcement - stiff reinforcement - strand reinforcement - string reinforcement - structural reinforcement - tendon reinforcement - tensile reinforcement - tension reinforcement - three-dimensional reinforcement - transverse reinforcement - two-way reinforcement - web reinforcement - weld reinforcement - wire reinforcement - wire-mesh reinforcement - wire-rope reinforcement
* * *
1.   арматура (железобетона)
2.   усиление; армирование (строительных конструкций)

reinforcement misplaced in concrete — неправильное расположение арматуры в бетоне [в железобетонном элементе]

- anticrack reinforcement
- auxiliary reinforcement
- balanced reinforcement
- bar reinforcement
- bar-mat reinforcement
- beam reinforcement
- binding reinforcement
- bottom reinforcement
- carbon fiber reinforcement
- cold-drawn wire reinforcement
- cold-worked steel reinforcement
- compression reinforcement
- congested reinforcement
- connecting reinforcement
- crack control reinforcement
- crimped steel fiber reinforcement
- crosswise reinforcement
- deformed reinforcement
- distribution reinforcement
- effective reinforcement
- epoxy coated reinforcement
- erection reinforcement
- expanded metal reinforcement
- fabric reinforcement
- fiber reinforcement
- four-way reinforcement
- glass-fiber reinforcement
- grid reinforcement
- handling reinforcement
- hard-drawn wire reinforcement
- heavy-edge reinforcement
- helical reinforcement
- high-strength reinforcement
- high-tensile reinforcement
- high-yield strength reinforcement
- hoop reinforcement
- lateral reinforcement
- main reinforcement
- mesh reinforcement
- mild steel reinforcement
- negative reinforcement
- nonprestressed reinforcement
- polypropylene fiber reinforcement
- positive reinforcement
- principal reinforcement
- rail steel reinforcement
- rod reinforcement
- secondary reinforcement
- shear reinforcement
- shrinkage reinforcement
- spiral reinforcement
- standardized prefabricated reinforcement
- steel reinforcement
- steel fiber reinforcement
- stiff reinforcement
- strand reinforcement
- string reinforcement
- temperature reinforcement
- tension reinforcement
- top reinforcement
- torsion reinforcement
- transverse reinforcement
- twin-twisted bar reinforcement
- two-way reinforcement
- untensioned reinforcement
- web reinforcement
- welded reinforcement
- work hardened steel reinforcement

Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "reinforcement" в других словарях:

  • reinforcement — UK US /ˌriːɪnˈfɔːsmənt/ noun ► [C or U] the act of making an idea or belief stronger: »The new logo serves as a visual reinforcement of the company s values. ► [C, usually plural] extra people to help with work: »Shops had to call in… …   Financial and business terms

  • Reinforcement — Re in*force ment ( ment), n. See {Re[ e]nforcement}. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • reinforcement — I noun addition, additional strength, aid, assistance, augmentation, auxiliary, backing, boost, buttress, fresh supply, furtherance, help, helping hand, increase, prop, protection, relief, replenishment, strengthened supplement, supplementum,… …   Law dictionary

  • reinforcement — 1610s, from REINFORCE (Cf. reinforce) + MENT (Cf. ment). Related: Reinforcements …   Etymology dictionary

  • reinforcement — ► NOUN 1) the action or process of reinforcing. 2) (reinforcements) extra personnel sent to strengthen an army or similar force …   English terms dictionary

  • reinforcement — [rē΄in fôrsmənt] n. 1. a reinforcing or being reinforced 2. anything that reinforces 3. [pl.] additional troops, ships, etc. 4. Physiol. Psychol. any action or event that reinforces a response …   English World dictionary

  • Reinforcement — Reinforce redirects here. For the Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha character, see Reinforce (Nanoha). This article is about the term used in operant conditioning. For the construction materials reinforcement, see Rebar. For reinforcement learning in… …   Wikipedia

  • reinforcement — noun 1 supporting/strengthening sth ADJECTIVE ▪ powerful ▪ negative, positive ▪ The children respond well to praise and positive reinforcement. ▪ steel VERB + …   Collocations dictionary

  • reinforcement — re|in|force|ment [ˌri:ınˈfo:smənt US ˈfo:rs ] n 1.) reinforcements [plural] more soldiers, police etc who are sent to a battle, fight etc to make their group stronger ▪ The police called for reinforcements . 2.) positive/negative reinforcement… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • reinforcement — [[t]ri͟ːɪnfɔ͟ː(r)smənt[/t]] reinforcements 1) N PLURAL Reinforcements are soldiers or policemen who are sent to join an army or group of police in order to make it stronger. Mr Vlok promised new measures to protect residents, including the… …   English dictionary

  • Reinforcement — Re|in|force|ment 〈[riınfɔ:smənt] n. 15; unz.; Psych.〉 Bekräftigung des Gewohnten, Erlernten, z. B. durch Belohnung [engl. „Verstärkung, Bestätigung“] * * * Re|in|force|ment [ri:ɪn fɔ:smənt , ri:|ɪn fɔ:smɛnt], das; [engl. reinforcement, zu: to… …   Universal-Lexikon

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