- reference point method
- реперный метод (определения модуля упругости горного массива)
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Material Point Method — The Material Point Method (MPM), is an extension of the Particle in cell (PIC) Method in computational fluid dynamics to computational solid dynamics, and is a Finite element method (FEM) based particle method. It is primarily used for multiphase … Wikipedia
Reference — For help in citing references, see Wikipedia:Citing sources. For the Wikipedia Reference Desk, see Wikipedia:Reference desk. Reference is derived from Middle English referren, from Middle French rèférer, from Latin referre, to carry back , formed … Wikipedia
reference group — The term reference group was coined by Herbert Hyman inArchives of Psychology (1942), to apply to the group against which an individual evaluates his or her own situation or conduct. Hyman distinguished between a membership group to which people… … Dictionary of sociology
Point shooting — is a method of shooting a firearm that relies on a shooter s instinctive reactions and kinematics to quickly engage close targets. Point Shooting does not rely on sights, but instead may place the gun below the line of sight, but in many cases… … Wikipedia
Reference electrode — Reference electrodeis an electrode which has a stable and well known electrode potential.The high stability of the electrode potential is usually reached by employing a redox system with constant (buffered or saturated) concentrations of each… … Wikipedia
Method of loci — The method of loci (plural of Latin locus for place or location), also called the memory palace, is a mnemonic device introduced in ancient Roman rhetorical treatises (in the anonymous Rhetorica ad Herennium, Cicero s De Oratore, and Quintilian s … Wikipedia
method — The mode or manner or orderly sequence of events of a process or procedure. SEE ALSO: fixative, operation, procedure, stain, technique. [G. methodos; fr. meta, after, + hodos, way] Abell Kendall m. a … Medical dictionary
Scientific method — … Wikipedia
Wikipedia:Reference desk/Computing — The Wikipedia Reference Desk covering the topic of computing. Computing #eee #f5f5f5 #eee #aaa #aaa #aaa #00f #36b #000 #00f computing Wikipedia:Reference de … Wikipedia
Constant voltage method — is a type of MPPT algorithm.[1] This method makes use of the fact that the ratio of maximum power point voltage and the open circuit voltage is 0.76.[2] It is the simplest MPPT control method.[3] Algorithm The operating point of the PV array is… … Wikipedia
Bates method — Alternative medicine / fringe therapies William Bates and his assistant. Claims The need for eyeglasses can be reversed by relaxation. Related fields Ophthalmo … Wikipedia