- recycle
- 1) повторный цикл2) рециркуляция3) повторно использовать (материал); повторять (операцию)* * *1. повторный цикл2. повторно использовать (материал)3. рециркуляция- recycle of sludge
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
recycle — re‧cy‧cle [ˌriːˈsaɪkl] verb [intransitive, transitive] to put used objects or materials through a special process, so that they can be used again: • We recycle all our cans and bottles. • Environmentalists have attacked the material because it… … Financial and business terms
ReCycle — Разработчик Propellerhead Software Операционная система Microsoft Windows Mac OS X Первый выпуск 1994 год Последняя версия 2.1.2 Лицензия Проприетарная Сайт … Википедия
recycle — [rē sī′kəl] vt. recycled, recycling 1. to pass through a cycle or part of a cycle again, as for checking, treating, etc. 2. to use again and again, as a single supply of water in cooling, washing, diluting, etc. 3. a) to treat or process in order … English World dictionary
Recycle — bezeichnet: in der Verfahrenstechnik allgemein die Rückführung eines Stoffstroms Recycle (Texas), Ort in den Vereinigten Staaten ReCycle steht für: eine Musiksoftware der Firma Propellerhead Software … Deutsch Wikipedia
recycle — (v.) 1922, originally of industrial processes; see RE (Cf. re ) + CYCLE (Cf. cycle) (v.). Specifically of waste material from 1960. Related: Recycled; RECYCLING (Cf. recycling) … Etymology dictionary
recycle — [v] reuse convert, reclaim, recover, reprocess, salvage, save; concept 134 … New thesaurus
recycle — ► VERB 1) convert (waste) into reusable material. 2) use again. DERIVATIVES recyclable adjective recycler noun … English terms dictionary
Recyclé — Recyclage Le recyclage est un procédé de traitement des déchets (déchet industriel ou ordures ménagères) qui permet de réintroduire, dans le cycle de production d un produit, des matériaux qui composaient un produit similaire arrivé en fin de vie … Wikipédia en Français
ReCycle — Dieser Artikel behandelt die Softwarefirma Propellerhead. Für die britische Band Propellerheads siehe ebendort. Propellerhead Software Unternehmensform privat Gründung 1994 Unternehmenssitz Stockholm … Deutsch Wikipedia
recycle — 01. Do you know where I can [recycle] plastic bottles in this area? 02. The [recycling] program here is quite good, with door to door collection of plastics, cans, bottles, and paper. 03. Most types of plastic are now [recyclable] in this city.… … Grammatical examples in English
recycle — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} verb ADVERB ▪ endlessly (usually figurative) ▪ They endlessly recycle the same worn out arguments. PREPOSITION ▪ from ▪ made of plastic recycled from old packag … Collocations dictionary