- automatic level
- нивелир-автомат* * *нивелир-автомат
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
automatic level gage — automatinis lygmatis statusas T sritis Standartizacija ir metrologija apibrėžtis Įtaisas, nuolat matuojantis skysčio lygį arba tuščią rezervuaro erdvę. atitikmenys: angl. automatic level gage; automatic level gauge rus. автоматический уровнемер,… … Penkiakalbis aiškinamasis metrologijos terminų žodynas
automatic level gauge — automatinis lygmatis statusas T sritis Standartizacija ir metrologija apibrėžtis Įtaisas, nuolat matuojantis skysčio lygį arba tuščią rezervuaro erdvę. atitikmenys: angl. automatic level gage; automatic level gauge rus. автоматический уровнемер,… … Penkiakalbis aiškinamasis metrologijos terminų žodynas
automatic level control — A component of the suspension which raises or lowers either (or both) the front or rear of the vehicle when there is a change in the amount of load in the vehicle … Dictionary of automotive terms
Level crossing — This article is about at grade intersections between railway and road. For where two rail lines cross, see level junction. For a type of nuclear receptor (RXR), see Retinoid X receptor. A level crossing at Chertsey, England, as the barriers rise … Wikipedia
automatic — [1] Colloquial term for automatic transmission. [2] Anything that operates without the direct control of the driver. Also see automatic choke automatic gearbox automatic level control automatic temperature control automatic transmission automatic … Dictionary of automotive terms
level — The condition where an item is perpendicular to the force of gravity. also See acceptable quality level automatic level control bac level blood alcohol level engine oil level warning light float level fluid level warning indicator interior noise… … Dictionary of automotive terms
level control — See automatic level control … Dictionary of automotive terms
Automatic summarization — is the creation of a shortened version of a text by a computer program. The product of this procedure still contains the most important points of the original text. The phenomenon of information overload has meant that access to coherent and… … Wikipedia
Automatic gain control — (AGC) is an adaptive system found in many electronic devices. The average output signal level is fed back to adjust the gain to an appropriate level for a range of input signal levels. For example, without AGC the sound emitted from an AM radio… … Wikipedia
Automatic dependent surveillance-broadcast — (ADS B) is a cooperative surveillance technique for air traffic control and related applications. An ADS B out equipped aircraft determines its own position using a global navigation satellite system and periodically broadcasts this position and… … Wikipedia
Automatic image annotation — (also known as automatic image tagging) is the process by which a computer system automatically assigns metadata in the form of captioning or keywords to a digital image. This application of computer vision techniques is used in image retrieval… … Wikipedia