- ratio
- 1) отношение; соотношение2) коэффициент; пропорция3) фактор4) передаточное число•
in the ratio (of) — в отношении
- ratio of circumference to diameter - ratio of compression - ratio of damping - ratio of dimensions - ratio of expansion - ratio of gear - ratio of grade - ratio of refraction - ratio of reinforcement - ratio of slip - ratio of slope - ratio of transformation - ratio of transmission - air circulation ratio - air void ratio - amplifier ratio - area-border ratio - availability ratio - balanced steel ratio - bending moment ratio - braking ratio - cement-aggregate ratio - cement-space ratio - cement-water ratio - circulation ratio - compression ratio - concentration ratio - control ratio - cost-effectiveness ratio - critical void ratio - damping ratio - daylight ratio - daylight area ratio - depth-to-span ratio - depth-to-width ratio - design ratio - detrusion ratio - dilution ratio - economic ratio - economic ratio of reinforcement in concrete - elastic ratio - explosive ratio - fatigue ratio - feedback ratio - fineness ratio - free water-cement ratio - gear ratio - housing expense ratio - hydrostatic pressure ratio - inlet-outlet pressure ratio - land-to-building ratio - lime ratio - mixture ratio - modular ratio - mortar-voids ratio - output-input ratio - plant and equipment use ratio - plot ratio - Poisson's ratio - power-weight ratio - reduction ratio - reflection ratio - rise-to-span ratio - safety ratio - sag ratio - sand-coarse aggregate ratio - shrinkage ratio - slenderness ratio - span-depth ratio - special heat ratio - steel area ratio - strength-weight ratio - stress ratio - void cement ratio - voids ratio - volumetric ratio - water-binder ratio - water-cement ratio - window efficiency ratio - working reduction ratio - yield ratioto govern ratio — регулировать состав смеси
* * *коэффициент- ratio of slope
- aggregate-cement ratio
- air circulation ratio
- air entrainment ratio
- air space ratio
- air void ratio
- appearance ratio
- area ratio
- aspect ratio
- authority ratio
- bending moment ratio
- cement-aggregate ratio
- cement/water ratio
- circulation ratio
- column slenderness ratio
- compression ratio
- conjugate ratio
- consolidation ratio
- correlation ratio
- critical void ratio
- cutoff ratio
- damping ratio
- day-light area ratio
- depth-to-span ratio
- dilution ratio
- drowning ratio
- economic ratio
- endurance ratio
- enthalpy-humidity difference ratio
- entrainment ratio
- fatigue ratio
- free area ratio
- free water-cement ratio
- gypsum-sand ratio
- heat-to-humidity ratio
- humidity ratio
- hydrostatic pressure ratio
- induction ratio
- inside clearance ratio
- land-to-building ratio
- livability space ratio
- mixing ratio
- modular ratio
- overconsolidation ratio
- parking ratio
- performance energy ratio
- plot ratio
- Poisson ratio
- radius to thickness ratio
- recirculation ratio
- recovery ratio
- recreation space ratio
- reinforcement ratio
- rib ratio
- sand/coarse aggregate ratio
- saturation ratio
- sensible heat ratio
- settlement ratio of pile group
- slenderness ratio
- slope ratio
- sludge loading ratio
- span-depth ratio
- specific heat ratio
- stiffness ratio
- storage ratio
- strength-density ratio
- strength-weight ratio
- submergence ratio
- swelling ratio
- thaw-consolidation ratio
- total water/cement ratio
- turndown ratio
- void/cement ratio
- voids ratio
- water/binder ratio
- water/cement ratio
- water cementitious ratio
- water-to-air ratio
- water-to-earth ratio
- width-thickness ratio
- worker-area ratio
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.