
1) разряд; сорт; класс
2) степень; коэффициент (напр. жёсткости пружины)
3) величина; скорость; темп; ход; интенсивность
4) расход; производительность
5) норма; тариф; расценка; цена
6) местный налог, коммунальный налог
7) определять (коэффициент, степень)
8) оценивать; расценивать; составлять смету
- rate of air circulation - rate of application - rate of change - rate of combustion - rate of concrete placement - rate of concrete strain - rate of construction - rate of constructional production line - rate of cooling - rate of corrosion - rate of crack propagation - rate of creep - rate of curve - rate of customs duty - rate of cutting - rate of decay - rate of deposition - rate of discharge - rate of dosing - rate of evaporation - rate of exchange - rate of fall - rate of feed - rate of filter clogging - rate of floculation - rate of floor space - rate of foundation settlement - rate of freight - rate of grade - rate of hardening - rate of heating - rate of infiltration - rate of insertion - rate of insurance fees - rate of ionization - rate of load application - rate of loading - rate of national taxes - rate of outflow - rate of port dues - rate of pressure drop - rate of pressure rise - rate of progress of the construction work - rate of sedimentation - rate of sediment delivery - rate of setting - rate of slope - rate of spread - rate of static - rate of strain - rate of strength gain - rate of tension - rate of transportation charges - rate of turnover - rate of wages and salaries and charge on payroll - rate of water demand - rate of water loss - rate of wear - rate of work - acceptance rate - accident rate - ageing rate - backwash rate - coverage rate - damage rate - decay rate - discharge rate - dosing rate - erosion rate - failure rate - feed rate - filtering rate - flashing rate - flow rate - grinding rate - injection rate - load rate - manufacturer's rates - oxydation rate - power rates - precipitation rate - production rate - pulse rate - pulse repetition rate - rejection rate - rental rate - retail rate - room-occupancy rate - setting rate - settling rate - shear rate - stroking rate - uptake rate - wage rate - washout rate - wash-water rate - water rate - water contamination rate - water filtration rate - water supply rate - water use rate - wear rate
* * *
1.   скорость; степень; темп; режим; интенсивность
2.   тариф
3.   производительность; норма
4.   класс; сорт
5.   показатель; параметр; коэффициент
- rate of air circulation
- rate of application
- rate of change of stresses
- rate of combustion
- rate of concrete placement
- rate of consolidation
- rate of construction
- rate of damping
- rate of decomposition
- rate of development
- rate of dilution
- rate of elastic recovery
- rate of feed
- rate of filter clogging
- rate of foundation settlement
- rate of growth
- rate of hardening
- rate of heat liberation
- rate of heat transfer
- rate of hydration
- rate of infiltration
- rate of load application
- rate of loading
- rate of motion
- rate of pour
- rate of response
- rate of rise and fall
- rate of runoff
- rate of sediment delivery
- rate of setting
- rate of set
- rate of spread
- rate of strain
- rate of strength development
- rate of swelling
- rate of temperature rise
- rate of travel
- rate of water loss
- rate of water supply
- rate of wear
- rate of work
- rate of work done by one man
- accident rate
- accident death rate
- accident frequency rate
- air change rate
- air flow rate
- air leakage rate
- annual depletion rate
- burning rate
- contract rate
- coverage rate
- creep rate
- daily production rate
- discharge rate
- drift rate
- emission rate
- energy efficiency rate
- energy flow rate
- erection rate
- filtering rate
- flow rate
- free area rate
- heat flow rate
- high rates
- hour rate
- initial rate of absorption
- insurance premium rate
- labor rates
- leak rate
- loading rate
- low rate
- mass flow rate
- metabolic rate
- night rate
- occupancy rate
- occupation rate
- oxidation rate
- penetration rate
- piece rate
- placing rate
- premium rate
- production rate
- safe rate of lift
- settling rate
- sewage flow rate
- shear rate
- spraying rate
- spreading rate
- spring rate
- standard busy rate
- strain rate
- supply rate
- tap discharge rate
- time rate of consolidation
- ventilation rate
- water consumption rate
- water demand rate
- water filtration rate
- water use rate
- worker's hourly wage rate

Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "rate" в других словарях:

  • raté — raté …   Dictionnaire des rimes

  • RATE — La rate est un organe lymphoïde richement vascularisé pesant 150 grammes environ chez l’adulte. Elle est située dans la partie supérieure gauche de l’abdomen recouverte par le gril costal. Les fonctions de la rate sont multiples en liaison avec… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • rate — 1. (ra t ) s. f. 1°   Terme d anatomie. Viscère situé dans l hypocondre gauche, sous les fausses côtes. •   Ce qui marque une intempérie dans le parenchyme splénétique, c est à dire la rate, MOL. Mal. imag. II, 9. •   Au milieu du souper, Cadoc… …   Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré

  • rate — of camber change rate of caster change rate of heat generation rate of track change amplitude rate critical cooling rate damping rate dynamic rate frequency rate overall steering rate ride rate …   Mechanics glossary

  • Rate — Rate, n. [OF., fr. L. rata (sc. pars), fr. ratus reckoned, fixed by calculation, p. p. of reri to reckon, to calculate. Cf. {Reason}.] 1. Established portion or measure; fixed allowance. [1913 Webster] The one right feeble through the evil rate… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Rate — Rate, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Rated}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Rating}.] 1. To set a certain estimate on; to value at a certain price or degree. [1913 Webster] To rate a man by the nature of his companions is a rule frequent indeed, but not infallible.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • rate — n 1: a fixed ratio between two things 2: a charge, payment, or price fixed according to a ratio, scale, or standard: as a: a charge per unit of a commodity provided by a public utility b: a charge per unit of freight or passenger service see also …   Law dictionary

  • rate — RATE. s. f. Un des principaux visceres placé à l hypochondre gauche. Il avoit la rate gonflée, oppilée. desoppiler la rate. il a mal à la rate. un mal de rate. desopilation de rate. les fumées, les vapeurs de la rate. On dit prov. & fig.… …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie française

  • rate — rate1 [rāt] n. [OFr < L rata (pars), reckoned (part), fem. of ratus, pp. of reri, to reckon < IE * rē , var. of base * ar , to fit, join > ART1, ORDER] 1. the amount, degree, etc. of anything in relation to units of something else [the… …   English World dictionary

  • raté — raté, ée 1. (ra té, tée) adj. Qui a été attaqué par les rats.    Canne ratée, nom qu on donne aux cannes à sucre qui, ayant été entamées par les rats, s aigrissent, deviennent noirâtres, et ne peuvent plus servir qu à faire de l eau de vie.… …   Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré

  • rate — Ⅰ. rate [1] ► NOUN 1) a measure, quantity, or frequency measured against another quantity or measure: the crime rate. 2) the speed with which something moves, happens, or changes. 3) a fixed price paid or charged for something. 4) the amount of a …   English terms dictionary

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