rail crane

rail crane
кран на железнодорожном ходу
* * *
рельсовый кран; железнодорожный кран

Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "rail crane" в других словарях:

  • Crane (railroad) — Rail Crane Czech PW maintenance crane …   Wikipedia

  • single-rail crane — | ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷| ̷ ̷ noun : walking crane …   Useful english dictionary

  • Crane (machine) — A modern crawler type derrick crane with outriggers. The latticed boom is fitted with a jib. A crane is a type of machine, generally equipped with a hoist, wire ropes or chains, and sheaves, that can be used both to lift and lower material …   Wikipedia

  • Rail profile — Rail from 1896 Cross sections of flat bottomed which can rest directly …   Wikipedia

  • Rail Mounted Gantry — cranes (RMG) are specialized yard container handling machines.An RMG travels on rails to lift and stack 20 or 40’ containers in the yard area. The container is lifted by a spreader attached to cables. Rail mounted cranes come in a variety of… …   Wikipedia

  • Crane Beach — Not to be confused with Crane Beach, Barbados. Panorama of Crane Beach in September 2007 Crane Beach is a 1,234 acre (4.99 km2) conservation and recreation property located in Ipswich, Massachusetts, immediately north of Cape Ann. It… …   Wikipedia

  • Crane Wildlife Refuge — The Crane Wildlife Refuge, located in Ipswich and Essex, Massachusetts, is a 674 acre (2.73 km2) property managed by The Trustees of Reservations. Located nearby are the Trustees of Reservations managed Castle Hill and Crane Beach. External… …   Wikipedia

  • crane — /krayn/, n., v., craned, craning. n. 1. any large wading bird of the family Gruidae, characterized by long legs, bill, and neck and an elevated hind toe. 2. (not used scientifically) any of various similar birds of other families, as the great… …   Universalium

  • Crane — /krayn/, n. 1. (Harold) Hart, 1899 1932, U.S. poet. 2. Stephen, 1871 1900, U.S. novelist, poet, and short story writer. * * * I Any of 15 species (family Gruidae) of tall wading birds that resemble herons but are usually larger and have a partly… …   Universalium

  • Rail fastening system — Elements of a baseplate based rail fastening system 1. Screw for fixing plate to sleeper 2. Elastomeric pad supporting rail 3. Tension washer 4. Rail clamp 5. Tensioning bolt (nut not shown) 6. Baseplate …   Wikipedia

  • rail clip — noun 1. : a metal plate projecting over the base of a rail for bolting the rail to its support 2. : an anchor for fastening the rear of a derrick car or a crane to the rails of a track to keep the crane from tipping while lifting a heavy load 3 …   Useful english dictionary

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