- Quonset hut
- дом из элементов "куонсет" (из волнистого железа)* * *временное здание в виде полукруглой цилиндрической оболочки из гнутых волнистых листов (в форме арок)
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Quonset hut — ☆ Quonset hut [kwän′sit ] n. [< Quonset, a trademark, after Quonset Point, R.I., where first manufactured] a prefabricated shelter made of corrugated metal, shaped like a longitudinal half of a cylinder resting on its flat surface … English World dictionary
Quonset hut® — /kwonˈset or kwonˈsit hut/ noun The US equivalent of the Nissen hut … Useful english dictionary
Quonset hut — 1942, from Quonset Point Naval Air Station, Rhode Island, where this type of structure was first built, 1941. The place name is from a southern New England Algonquian language and perhaps means small, long place … Etymology dictionary
Quonset hut — For other uses, see Quonset (disambiguation). Quonset huts in front of Laguna Peak, Point Mugu, in 1946 … Wikipedia
Quonset hut — [[t]kwɒ̱nsɪt hʌt[/t]] Quonset huts N COUNT A Quonset hut is a military hut made of metal. The walls and roof form the shape of a semi circle. [AM] (in BRIT, use Nissen hut) … English dictionary
Quonset hut — noun a prefabricated hut of corrugated iron having a semicircular cross section • Syn: ↑Nissen hut • Hypernyms: ↑hut, ↑army hut, ↑field hut * * * /kwon sit/, Trademark. a semicylindrical metal shelter having end walls, usually serving as a… … Useful english dictionary
Quonset hut{™} — n a US military shelter. It is a long metal building with a round roof, like a tunnel above ground. The huts are made in sections which can be put together for soldiers to live in. They have also been used for shops, schools, etc. They were first … Universalium
Quonset hut — /kwon sit/, Trademark. a semicylindrical metal shelter having end walls, usually serving as a barracks, storage shed, or the like, developed for the U.S. military forces from the British Nissen hut at Quonset Naval Base in Rhode Island. * * * … Universalium
Quonset hut — Quon′set hut [[t]ˈkwɒn sɪt[/t]] Trademark. archit. bui trm a semicylindrical metal shelter having end walls • Etymology: orig. developed for U.S. military forces at Quonset Naval Base, Rhode Island … From formal English to slang
Quonset hut — куонсетский барак. (От Quonset Point Куонсет Пойнт, населенный пункт в штате Род Айленд, где на авиабазе ВМС во время второй мировой войны стали впервые изготовляться сборные жилые дома из металлоконструкций с утецлительной прокладкой из дерева,… … Словарь топонимов США
Quonset hut — Quon|set hut [ˈkwɔnset ˌhʌt US ˈkwa:n ] n AmE trademark a long metal building with a curved roof where soldiers live or things are stored … Dictionary of contemporary English