proving ring

proving ring
кольцевой динамометр; кольцевой тензометрический преобразователь [датчик] (для градуировки)

Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "proving ring" в других словарях:

  • proving ring — noun : an elastic shell ring used to calibrate testing machines by means of change in diameter undergone upon application of force along the diameter …   Useful english dictionary

  • Ring of Fire II — Infobox Book infoboxwidth = 200px name = Ring of Fire title orig = translator = image caption = Baen Books Prepublication Ring of Fire II cover art. author = Eric Flint illustrator = cover artist = country = USA language = English series = 1632… …   Wikipedia

  • Engagement ring — A white gold wedding ring and a single diamond, gold banded engagement ring. An engagement ring is a ring indicating that the person wearing it is engaged to be married, especially in Western cultures. In the United Kingdom, Ireland and …   Wikipedia

  • Commutative ring — In ring theory, a branch of abstract algebra, a commutative ring is a ring in which the multiplication operation is commutative. The study of commutative rings is called commutative algebra. Some specific kinds of commutative rings are given with …   Wikipedia

  • Domain (ring theory) — In mathematics, especially in the area of abstract algebra known as ring theory, a domain is a ring such that ab = 0 implies that either a = 0 or b = 0.[1] That is, it is a ring which has no left or right zero divisors. (Sometimes such a ring is… …   Wikipedia

  • The Talisman Ring — infobox Book | name = The Talisman Ring title orig = translator = image caption = author = Georgette Heyer cover artist = country = United Kingdom language = English series = genre = Georgian, Romance publisher = William Heinemann release date =… …   Wikipedia

  • Junk ring — Junk Junk, n. [Pg. junco junk, rush, L. juncus a bulrush, of which ropes were made in early ages. Cf. {Junket}.] [1913 Webster] 1. Pieces of old cable or old cordage, used for making gaskets, mats, swabs, etc., and when picked to pieces, forming… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Dynamometer — Bei der Kraftmessung wird mit Hilfe technischer Einrichtungen herausgefunden, welche Kraft auf einen Körper wirkt. Als Kraftmesser oder auch Dynamometer (von griech.: dynamis Kraft) werden Geräte zur Kraftmessung bezeichnet. Dieser Artikel bietet …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Kraftmesser — Bei der Kraftmessung wird mit Hilfe technischer Einrichtungen herausgefunden, welche Kraft auf einen Körper wirkt. Als Kraftmesser oder auch Dynamometer (von griech.: dynamis Kraft) werden Geräte zur Kraftmessung bezeichnet. Dieser Artikel bietet …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Kraftmessung — Durch Kraftmessung wird die zwischen zwei Körpern wirkende Kraft bestimmt. Die Geräte oder technischen Einrichtungen dazu heißen, falls es sich um Gewichtskräfte handelt, Waagen oder allgemeiner Kraftmesser. Aus dem 19. Jahrhundert stammt die… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Prime number — Prime redirects here. For other uses, see Prime (disambiguation). A prime number (or a prime) is a natural number greater than 1 that has no positive divisors other than 1 and itself. A natural number greater than 1 that is not a prime number is… …   Wikipedia

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