protective shield

protective shield
предохранительный [защитный] щиток (прикрепляемый к станочному инструменту для защиты от искр, летучих частиц и т. п.); оградительный экран

Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "protective shield" в других словарях:

  • Shield laws in the United States — A shield law is legislation designed to provide a news reporter with the right to refuse to testify as to information and/or sources of information obtained during the newsgathering and dissemination process.DefinitionThere is no federal shield… …   Wikipedia

  • Shield of the Trinity — The Shield of the Trinity or Scutum Fidei is a traditional Christian visual symbol which expresses many aspects of the doctrine of the Trinity, summarizing the first part of the Athanasian Creed in a compact diagram. In medieval England and… …   Wikipedia

  • Shield bearer — A shield bearer was usually a lightly armored soldier who often accompanied a soldier of a higher rank with a protective shield. Thus commanders were often protected by several shield bearers. Other examples are range weapon soldiers with shield… …   Wikipedia

  • Shield (disambiguation) — Shield may refer to:Protection* Shield, a hand held protective device meant to intercept attacks * Electromagnetic shielding * Shielded cable * Energy shield * Deflector shield, a protective energy field * Heat shield, which protects a spacecraft …   Wikipedia

  • shield´like´ — shield «sheeld», noun, verb. –n. 1. a piece of armor carried on the arm or in the hand to protect the body in battle, used in ancient and medieval warfare. 2. anything used to protect: »He turned up his collar as a shield against the cold wind. A …   Useful english dictionary

  • shield´er — shield «sheeld», noun, verb. –n. 1. a piece of armor carried on the arm or in the hand to protect the body in battle, used in ancient and medieval warfare. 2. anything used to protect: »He turned up his collar as a shield against the cold wind. A …   Useful english dictionary

  • Protective sequestration — is a public health term that refers to measures taken to protect a small, defined, and still healthy population from an epidemic (or pandemic) before the infection reaches that population.Given the extraordinary nature of these measures, they… …   Wikipedia

  • shield — [shēld] n. [ME schelde < OE scield, akin to Ger schild < Gmc * skild < IE base * (s)kel > SHELF] 1. a flat, usually broad, piece of metal, wood, etc., carried in the hand or worn on the forearm to ward off blows or missiles 2. any… …   English World dictionary

  • shield — ► NOUN 1) a broad piece of armour held for protection against blows or missiles. 2) a sporting trophy consisting of an engraved metal plate mounted on a piece of wood. 3) Heraldry a stylized representation of a shield used for displaying a coat… …   English terms dictionary

  • Shield — A shield is a protective device, meant to intercept attacks. The term often refers to a device that is held in the hand, as opposed to armour or a bullet proof vest.Prehistoric and AntiquityThe oldest form of shield was a protection used to block …   Wikipedia

  • shield — I. noun Etymology: Middle English sheld, from Old English scield; akin to Old High German scilt shield and probably to Old English sciell shell Date: before 12th century 1. a broad piece of defensive armor carried on the arm 2. one that protects… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

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