program of work

program of work
проект производства работ

Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "program of work" в других словарях:

  • Work of art — For the television program, see Work of Art: The Next Great Artist. Oeuvre redirects here. For more see: Oeuvre (Wiktionary). The Tribune of the Uffizi, Johann Zoffany (1772 78), showing many famous works of European art …   Wikipedia

  • work — /wɜk / (say werk) noun 1. exertion directed to produce or accomplish something; labour; toil. 2. that on which exertion or labour is expended; something to be made or done; a task or undertaking. 3. productive or operative activity. 4. manner or… …  

  • work release program — n. A program that allows an inmate in a correctional institution to go out to work during the day and return to the institution at night. The Essential Law Dictionary. Sphinx Publishing, An imprint of Sourcebooks, Inc. Amy Hackney Blackwell. 2008 …   Law dictionary

  • Work abroad — is the term used for when a student interns, volunteers, or teachers in a foreign country through a program. Students gain work experience while being immersed in a foreign work environment, though the position may be paid or unpaid. Dependent… …   Wikipedia

  • Work for the Dole — is an Australian federal government program that is a form of workfare, work based welfare. It was first permanently enacted in 1998, having been trialed in 1997.It is one means by which job seekers can satisfy their mutual obligation… …   Wikipedia

  • Program comprehension — is a domain of computing science dealing with the processes (cognitive or others) used by software engineers to understand programs (during their evaluation, before their modification).Program comprehension is also known as program understanding …   Wikipedia

  • Program evaluation — is a formalized approach to studying the goals, processes, and impacts of projects, policies and programs. Program evaluation is used in the public and private sector and is taught in numerous universities. Evaluation became particularly relevant …   Wikipedia

  • Work to Ride — (WTR) is an American nonprofit delinquency prevention program which seeks to aid disadvantaged urban youth (ages 7 to 19) by offering constructive activities including horsemanship, equine sports (Polo) and education. The program was founded in… …   Wikipedia

  • Program Management Professional — (PgMP) is a certification in program management managed by the Project Management Institute in accordance with their published standard A Standard for Program Management . Eligibility Applicants with a bachelor s degree must have had four… …   Wikipedia

  • Work permit — is a generic term for a legal authorization which allows a person to take employment. It is most often used in reference to instances where a person is given permission to work in a country where one does not hold citizenship, but is also used in …   Wikipedia

  • work — [wʉrk] n. [ME werk < OE weorc, akin to Ger werk < IE base * werĝ , to do, act > Gr ergon (for * wergon), action, work, organon, tool, instrument] 1. physical or mental effort exerted to do or make something; purposeful activity; labor;… …   English World dictionary

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