probabilistic design

probabilistic design
статистический метод расчёта

Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "probabilistic design" в других словарях:

  • Probabilistic design — is a discipline within Engineering Design. It deals primarily with the consideration of the effects of random variability upon the performance of an engineering system during the design phase. Typically, these effects are related to quality and… …   Wikipedia

  • Design for Six Sigma — (DFSS) is a separate and emerging business process management methodology related to traditional Six Sigma. While the tools and order used in Six Sigma require a process to be in place and functioning, DFSS has the objective of determining the… …   Wikipedia

  • Design of experiments — In general usage, design of experiments (DOE) or experimental design is the design of any information gathering exercises where variation is present, whether under the full control of the experimenter or not. However, in statistics, these terms… …   Wikipedia

  • Probabilistic risk assessment — (PRA) (or probabilistic safety assessment/analysis) is a systematic and comprehensive methodology to evaluate risks associated with a complex engineered technological entity (such as airliners or nuclear power plants).Risk in a PRA is defined as… …   Wikipedia

  • Probabilistic analysis of algorithms — In analysis of algorithms, probabilistic analysis of algorithms is an approach to estimate the computational complexity of an algorithm or a computational problem. It starts from an assumption about a probabilistic distribution of the set of all… …   Wikipedia

  • NESSUS Probabilistic Analysis Software — For other uses of the word Nessus , please refer to Nessus. NESSUS is a general purpose, probabilistic analysis program that simulates variations and uncertainties in loads, geometry, material behavior and other user defined inputs to compute… …   Wikipedia

  • Optimal design — This article is about the topic in the design of experiments. For the topic in optimal control theory, see shape optimization. Gustav Elfving developed the optimal design of experiments, and so minimized surveyors need for theodolite measurements …   Wikipedia

  • Bayesian experimental design — provides a general probability theoretical framework from which other theories on experimental design can be derived. It is based on Bayesian inference to interpret the observations/data acquired during the experiment. This allows accounting for… …   Wikipedia

  • Randomized block design — In the statistical theory of the design of experiments, blocking is the arranging of experimental units in groups (blocks) that are similar to one another. Typically, a blocking factor is a source of variability that is not of primary interest to …   Wikipedia

  • Limit state design — (LSD) refers to a design methodology used in structural engineering. The methodology is in fact a modernization and rationalization of engineering knowledge which was well established prior to the adoption of LSD. Beyond the concept of a limit… …   Wikipedia

  • Completely randomized design — In the design of experiments, completely randomized designs are for studying the effects of one primary factor without the need to take other nuisance variables into account. This article describes completely randomized designs that have one… …   Wikipedia

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