principle of virtual displacements

principle of virtual displacements
принцип возможных перемещений
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принцип возможных перемещений

Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "principle of virtual displacements" в других словарях:

  • principle of virtual work — Mech. the principle that the total work done by all forces on a system in static equilibrium is zero for a set of infinitesimally small displacements. * * * …   Universalium

  • principle of virtual work — Mech. the principle that the total work done by all forces on a system in static equilibrium is zero for a set of infinitesimally small displacements …   Useful english dictionary

  • Virtual work — on a system is the work resulting from either virtual forces acting through a real displacement or real forces acting through a virtual displacement. In this discussion, the term displacement may refer to a translation or a rotation, and the term …   Wikipedia

  • Virtual displacement — A virtual displacement delta mathbf {r} i is an assumed infinitesimal change of system coordinates occurring while time is held constant. It is called virtual rather than real since no actual displacement can take place without the passage of… …   Wikipedia

  • D'Alembert's principle — Classical mechanics Newton s Second Law History of classical mechanics  …   Wikipedia

  • Minimum total potential energy principle — The principle of minimum total potential energy is a fundamental concept used in physics, chemistry, biology, and engineering. It asserts that a structure or body shall deform or displace to a position that minimizes the total potential energy,… …   Wikipedia

  • History of Physics —     History of Physics     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► History of Physics     The subject will be treated under the following heads: I. A Glance at Ancient Physics; II. Science and Early Christian Scholars; III. A Glance at Arabian Physics; IV.… …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Finite element method in structural mechanics — Finite element method (FEM) is a powerful technique originally developed for numerical solution of complex problems in structural mechanics, and it remains the method of choice for complex systems. In the FEM, the structural system is modeled by… …   Wikipedia

  • Energy principles in structural mechanics — express the relationships between stresses, strains or deformations, displacements, material properties, and external effects in the form of energy or work done by internal and external forces. Since energy is a scalar quantity, these… …   Wikipedia

  • solids, mechanics of — ▪ physics Introduction       science concerned with the stressing (stress), deformation (deformation and flow), and failure of solid materials and structures.       What, then, is a solid? Any material, fluid or solid, can support normal forces.… …   Universalium

  • mechanics — /meuh kan iks/, n. 1. (used with a sing. v.) the branch of physics that deals with the action of forces on bodies and with motion, comprised of kinetics, statics, and kinematics. 2. (used with a sing. v.) the theoretical and practical application …   Universalium

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