Смотреть что такое "pressurizer" в других словарях:
pressurizer — noun see pressurize … New Collegiate Dictionary
pressurizer — See pressurization. * * * … Universalium
pressurizer — noun A person or thing that pressurizes … Wiktionary
pressurizer — preʃəraɪzÉ™(r) n. air pressure regulator, device that controls air pressure … English contemporary dictionary
pressurizer — pres·sur·iz·er … English syllables
pressurizer — noun see pressurize … Useful english dictionary
pressurize — pressurizer, n. /presh euh ruyz /, v.t., pressurized, pressurizing. 1. to raise the internal atmospheric pressure of to the required or desired level: to pressurize an astronaut s spacesuit before a walk in space. 2. to maintain normal air… … Universalium
Loss of pressure control accident — Most commercial types of nuclear reactor use a pressure vessel to maintain pressure in the reactor plant. This is necessary in a pressurized water reactor to prevent boiling in the core, which could lead to a nuclear meltdown. This is also… … Wikipedia
Three Mile Island accident — The Three Mile Island accident of 1979 was the most significant accident in the history of the American commercial nuclear power generating industry. It resulted in the release of a significant amount of radioactivity, an estimated 43,000 curies… … Wikipedia
Nuclear reactor technology — This article is a subarticle of Nuclear power .A nuclear reactor is a device in which nuclear chain reactions are initiated, controlled, and sustained at a steady rate, as opposed to a nuclear bomb, in which the chain reaction occurs in a… … Wikipedia
International Reactor Innovative and Secure — (IRIS) is a Generation IV reactor reactor design made by an international team of companies, laboratories, and universities and coordinated by Westinghouse. IRIS is hoped to open up new markets for nuclear power and make a bridge from Generation… … Wikipedia