- prefabricated
- изготовленный заранее; сборный; готовый (о деталях или блоках)* * *сборный, готовый (об элементе конструкции построечного или заводского изготовления)
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
prefabricated — UK [priːˈfæbrɪˌkeɪtɪd] / US [prɪˈfæbrɪˌkeɪtəd] adjective a prefabricated building is built in sections that can be moved and put together quickly Derived word: prefabricate verb transitive Word forms prefabricate : present tense I/you/we/they… … English dictionary
prefabricated — adjective a) manufactured in advance, usually to a standard format, and then assembled on site A prefabricated home b) invented in advance … Wiktionary
prefabricated — [[t]priːfæ̱brɪkeɪtɪd[/t]] ADJ Prefabricated buildings are built with parts which have been made in a factory so that they can be easily carried and put together. ...high quality, Scandinavian prefabricated wooden homes … English dictionary
prefabricated — pre|fab|ri|cat|ed [pri:ˈfæbrıkeıtıd] adj built from parts which are made in standard sizes so that they can be put together anywhere ▪ a prefabricated house >prefabrication [pri:ˌfæbrıˈkeıʃən] n [U] … Dictionary of contemporary English
prefabricated — pre|fab|ri|cat|ed [ pri fæbrı,keıtəd ] adjective a prefabricated building is built in sections that can be moved and put together quickly ╾ pre|fab|ri|cate verb transitive … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
prefabricated — [priːˈfæbrɪˌkeɪtɪd] adj a prefabricated building is built in sections that can be moved and put together quickly … Dictionary for writing and speaking English
Prefabricated buildings — Prefabricated building is a type of building that consists of several factory built units that are assembled on site to complete the unit.)] Prefabricated housing The term prefabricated may refer to buildings built in modules (modular homes) or… … Wikipedia
Prefabricated home — Prefabricated homes, often referred to as prefab homes, are dwellings manufactured off site in advance, usually in standard sections that can be easily shipped and assembled.Many of the current prefab home designs on the market have jovial,… … Wikipedia
prefabricated — Synonyms and related words: assembled, built, cast, constructed, crafted, created, custom, custom built, custom made, cut and dried, cut and dry, extracted, fabricated, fashioned, forged, formed, gathered, grown, handcrafted, handmade, harvested … Moby Thesaurus
prefabricated — (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) adj. ready built or made, prefab (inf.). See production … English dictionary for students
prefabricated — pre fab·ri·cated || ‚prɪËfæbrɪkeɪtɪd adj. manufactured prior to assembly, built before being transported to the final assembly point (parts for modular buildings) pre·fab·ri·cate || ‚prÉªË fæbrɪkeɪt v. make in advance, build in … English contemporary dictionary