- pozzolana
- = pozzolan* * *пуццоланпуццолана¦пуццолан, вулканический туф
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Pozzolana — Pozzolana, also known as pozzolanic ash, is a fine, sandy volcanic ash, originally discovered and dug in Italy at Pozzuoli in the region around Vesuvius, but later at a number of other sites. Vitruvius speaks of four types of pozzolana: black,… … Wikipedia
pozzolana — /pot seuh lah neuh/; It. /pawt tsaw lah nah/, n. a porous variety of volcanic tuff or ash used in making hydraulic cement. Also, pozzolan /pot seuh leuhn/, pozzuolana /pot sweuh lah neuh/; It. /pawt tswaw lah nah/, puzzolan, puzzolana. [1905 10;… … Universalium
Pozzolana — Pozzuolana Poz zu*o*la na, Pozzolana Poz zo*la *na, n. [It.] Volcanic ashes from Pozzuoli, in Italy, used in the manufacture of a kind of mortar which hardens under water. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
pozzolana — or pozzolan noun Etymology: Italian pozzolana Date: circa 1706 finely divided siliceous or siliceous and aluminous material that reacts chemically with slaked lime at ordinary temperature and in the presence of moisture to form a strong slow… … New Collegiate Dictionary
pozzolana — 1poz·zo·là·na s.f. TS mar. piccola imbarcazione usata nel Napoletano per la pesca con le nasse e i tramagli; anche agg.: barca pozzolana {{line}} {{/line}} DATA: 1937. ETIMO: der. del lat. Puteolanus, der. di Puteoli, nome di una località in… … Dizionario italiano
pozzolana — noun A type of volcanic ash used for mortar or for cement which sets under water. See Also: pozzolan, pozzolanic … Wiktionary
pozzolana — {{hw}}{{pozzolana}}{{/hw}}s. f. (pl. pozzolane ) (geol.) Tufo recente, poco cementato, di colore grigio o rossastro, usato per far malte idrauliche … Enciclopedia di italiano
pozzolana — pozzolana1 pl.f. pozzolane pozzolana2 pl.f. pozzolane … Dizionario dei sinonimi e contrari
pozzolana — [ˌpɒtsə lα:nə] noun a type of volcanic ash used for mortar or for cement that sets under water. Origin C18: from Ital., from pozz(u)olana (earth) of Pozzuoli , a town near Naples … English new terms dictionary
pozzolana — poz·zo·la·na … English syllables
pozzolana — n. (also puzzolana) a volcanic ash used for mortar or hydraulic cement. Etymology: It., f. pozz(u)olano (adj.) of Pozzuoli near Naples … Useful english dictionary