positive wind pressure

positive wind pressure
положительное давление ветра

Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "positive wind pressure" в других словарях:

  • wind instrument — /wind/ a musical instrument sounded by the breath or other air current, as the trumpet, trombone, clarinet, or flute. [1575 85] * * * ▪ music Introduction       any musical instrument that uses air as the primary vibrating medium for the… …   Universalium

  • Wind power forecasting — A wind power forecast corresponds to an estimate of the expected production of one or more wind turbines (referred to as a wind farm) in the near future. By production is often meant available power for wind farm considered (with units kW or MW… …   Wikipedia

  • Pressure coefficient — The pressure coefficient is a dimensionless number which describes the relative pressures throughout a flow field in fluid dynamics. The pressure coefficient is used in aerodynamics and hydrodynamics. Every point in a fluid flow field has its own …   Wikipedia

  • pressure plotting — A method of measuring pressure changes over an airfoil at varying angles of attack. Small holes in the airfoil surface are connected to a glass manometer tube containing fluid. The fluid level rises with negative pressure and is depressed when… …   Aviation dictionary

  • Center of pressure — The center of pressure is the point on a body where the sum total of the aerodynamic pressure field acts, causing a force and no moment about that point. Mathematically it can be said that the net pressure force on the body acts through this… …   Wikipedia

  • Solar wind — For other uses, see Solar wind (disambiguation). The solar wind is a stream of charged particles ejected from the upper atmosphere of the Sun. It mostly consists of electrons and protons with energies usually between 1.5 and 10 keV. The stream of …   Wikipedia

  • Santa Ana wind — The Santa Ana winds are strong, extremely dry offshore winds that characteristically sweep through in Southern California and northern Baja California in late fall into winter. They can range from hot to cold, depending on the prevailing… …   Wikipedia

  • Environmental effects of wind power — Compared to the environmental effects of traditional energy sources, the environmental effects of wind power are relatively minor. Wind power consumes no fuel, and emits no air pollution, unlike fossil fuel power sources. The energy consumed to… …   Wikipedia

  • Polar wind — is the permanent outflow of ionization from the polar regions of the magnetosphere. [http://amsglossary.allenpress.com/glossary/browse?s=p p=43 AMS Glossary] ] Ionospheric Plasma SourceThe ‘ground state’ of the ionosphere consists of the baseline …   Wikipedia

  • Compact wind acceleration turbine — Compact Wind Acceleration Turbines (CWATs) are a class of wind turbine that uses structures to accelerate wind before it enters the wind generating element.[1] The concept of these structures has been around for decades [2] but has not gained… …   Wikipedia

  • Vertical axis wind turbine — Vertical axis wind turbines (VAWT) are a type of wind turbine where the main rotor shaft runs vertically. Among the advantages of this arrangement are that generators and gearboxes can be placed close to the ground, and that VAWT do not need to… …   Wikipedia

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