- pollution index
- показатель загрязнения* * *коэффициент загрязнения сточных вод
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
pollution index — /pəˈluʃən ˌɪndɛks/ (say puh loohshuhn .indeks) noun a measure of air quality using a single descriptor for a number of criteria, and expressed either by a number (starting at 0 for best quality) or a keyword (low, medium, high) …
Air Pollution Index — The Air Pollution Index (API) is a simple and generalized way to describe the air quality in mainland China, Hong Kong and Malaysia. It is calculated from several sets of air pollution data.Mainland ChinaChina s State Environment Protection… … Wikipedia
pollution — index contaminate, detriment, misusage, perversion Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
pollution control — index ecology Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
Index des noms propres des personnes et personnages et des titres des œuvres cités dans la Chronologie de Dada et du surréalisme — Index des noms propres des personnes et personnages et des œuvres cités dans la Chronologie de Dada et du surréalisme v · Chronologie de Dada et du surréalisme 1916 • 1917 … Wikipédia en Français
Pollution in China — Beijing air on a day after rain (left) and a sunny but Smoggy day (right) Pollution is causing serious problems in China. Contents 1 … Wikipedia
Pollution des sols — Certaines fumées industrielles chargées de résidus de combustion et de divers polluants sont une des sources de retombées susceptibles de polluer les sols … Wikipédia en Français
Pollution sonore — La circulation automobile en ville, source majeure de nuisances sonores (Bangkok) … Wikipédia en Français
Index of Sustainable Economic Welfare — The Index of Sustainable Economic Welfare is an economic indicator intended to replace the gross domestic product. Rather than simply adding together all expenditures like the gross domestic product, consumer expenditure is balanced by such… … Wikipedia
Index alphabétique maritime — Projet:Maritime/Index Projet maritime Bistro du port Participants Actualités Agenda Outils À faire … Wikipédia en Français
Air pollution in Hong Kong — is considered a serious problem. It affects flora and fauna in the area, and the health of residents living there. Visibility is currently less than eight kilometers for 30% of the year. Cases of asthma and bronchial infections have soared in… … Wikipedia