
1) точка, точка координат
2) место, пункт
3) положение, позиция
4) степень
5) деление шкалы
6) резец
7) остриё, острый конец
8) вершина горы
9) расшивать швы каменной, кирпичной кладки
10) точить; заострять (напр. конец сваи)

to point off — отводить (в сторону)

to take a point — геод. взять отметку

- point of concentration - point of contraflexure - point of curve - point of cusp - point of discontinuity - point of distance - point of evaporation - point of failure - point of fault - point of fluidity - point of force - point of force application - point of high stress concentration - point of increase - point of inflection - point of load application - point of pile - point of reference - point of sight - point of support - point of switch - point of zero moment - point of zero work - actual frog point - aerodrome reference point - angular point - attachment point - balance point - bending point - bending yield point - blunt nail point - boom point - breaking point - brittle point - burning point - ceiling point - change point - changeover point - characteristic point - chisel point - condensation point - congealing point - control point - crawbar point - creep point - critical point - crossover point - cutting point - datum point - dead point - decimal point - destruction point - dew point - discharge point - distribution point - draw-off point - drip point - electric point - elevation point - evaporating point - fatigue point - fibre saturation point - fire point - fixed point - fixing point - flow point - focal point - gimlet point - groin point - hinge point - hinged point - intersection point - isolated point - isotropic point - junction point - load point - modular point - nail point - nodal point - node point - open point - panel point - picture point - plumb point - quarter point - quarter-span point - railroad point - reference point - rigid point of support - sampling point - saturation point - saw point - slinging point - stagnation point - starting point - tangent point - tie point - transit point - triangulation point - upper yield point - vanishing point - yield point - zero point
* * *
1.   точка; точка координат
2.   остриё || заострять
3.   положение; позиция
4.   точка отбора (газа, электроэнергии); розетка
5.   место; пункт
6.   деление шкалы
7.   стрелка, стрелочный перевод
8.   оценочный балл; интенсивность (напр. землетрясения)
9.   момент времени
10.  расшивать швы каменной [кирпичной] кладки

point for which stress is to be computed — рассматриваемая точка (сечения элемента конструкции), для которой вычисляют напряжение

point in the plane — точка на плоскости

to point the instrument — навести инструмент

- point of application
- point of certainty
- point of compound curvature
- point of concentration
- point of contraflexure
- point of curvature
- point of cusp
- point of grade intersection
- point of high stress concentration
- point of inflection
- point of intersection
- point of lateral restraint
- point of support
- point of switch
- point of tangency
- point of the maximum bending moment
- point of vertical curve
- point of vertical intersection
- point of vertical tangent
- point of zero moment
- airport reference point
- angle point
- arbitrary point
- azeotropic point
- balance point
- bearing point
- bending point
- bent-up point
- blade point
- boiling point
- boom point
- Borros point
- bottom chord panel point
- break point
- catch point
- change point
- change-over point
- common point
- condensation point
- conflict point
- control point
- crowbar point
- curve-to-tangent point
- cut-in point
- cut-out point
- dew point
- draw-off point
- drive point
- driving point
- drop point
- electric point
- end switch point
- eutectic point
- firing point
- fixed point
- fixing point
- flash point
- focal point
- forced point
- freezing point
- frog point
- frost point
- fusing point
- gas point
- glazier's point
- guide point
- high stress concentration point
- hinged point
- ignition point
- intermediate point
- intersection point
- jib point
- junction point
- light point
- low point of a pipeline
- low point
- lower-chord panel point
- lower yield point
- mass point
- melting point
- movable center point
- neutral point
- nodal point
- Oslo point
- panel point
- pavement settlement point
- picture point
- pile point
- plumb point
- plus point
- principal point
- reference point
- road settlement point
- roof truss panel point
- Sampson point
- sand point
- saturation point
- saw point
- set point
- sharply defined yield point
- side point
- signal clearance point
- softening point
- starting point
- surface-hardened point
- surveying reference point
- switch point
- switch-on point
- tangent point
- tangent-to-curve point
- top-chord panel point
- transition point
- turning point
- upper chord panel point
- upper yield point
- vanishing point
- water-supply point
- wing point
- work point
- yield point

Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "point" в других словарях:

  • point — 1. (poin ; le t se lie : un poin t important ; au pluriel, l s se lie : des points z importants) s. m. 1°   Douleur qui point, qui pique. 2°   Piqûre que l on fait dans l étoffe avec une aiguille enfilée d un fil. 3°   Nom donné à certains… …   Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré

  • Point — Point, n. [F. point, and probably also pointe, L. punctum, puncta, fr. pungere, punctum, to prick. See {Pungent}, and cf. {Puncto}, {Puncture}.] 1. That which pricks or pierces; the sharp end of anything, esp. the sharp end of a piercing… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Point — may refer to the following: Contents 1 Business and finance 2 Engineering 3 Entertainment …   Wikipedia

  • point — [point] n. [OFr, dot, prick < L punctum, dot, neut. of punctus, pp. of pungere, to prick (< IE base * peuĝ , *peuk̑, to prick, jab > Ger fichte, spruce tree, L pugil, boxer, pugnus, fist); also < OFr pointe, sharp end < ML puncta… …   English World dictionary

  • Point — hat verschiedene Urspünge: Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Bedeutung im Deutschen 2 Verwendung in Begriffen französischen und englischen Ursprungs 3 Einzelnachweise 4 Si …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • point — n 1: a particular detail, proposition, or issue of law; specif: point of error 2: any of various incremental units used in measuring, fixing, or calculating something: as a: a unit used in calculating a sentence by various factors (as aggravating …   Law dictionary

  • point — ► NOUN 1) the tapered, sharp end of a tool, weapon, or other object. 2) a particular spot, place, or moment. 3) an item, detail, or idea in a discussion, text, etc. 4) (the point) the most significant or relevant factor or element. 5) advantage… …   English terms dictionary

  • point — Point, ou Poinct, Sermoni vernaculo additur ad maiorem negationis expressionem. Je n iray point, id est, Non ibo, quasi dicas, Ne punctum quidem progrediar vt eam illo. Il n y est poinct, id est, Non est illic, quasi illius ne punctum quidem ibi… …   Thresor de la langue françoyse

  • Point — (point), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Pointed}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Pointing}.] [Cf. F. pointer. See {Point}, n.] 1. To give a point to; to sharpen; to cut, forge, grind, or file to an acute end; as, to point a dart, or a pencil. Used also figuratively; as …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Point — 〈[ poɛ̃:] m. 6〉 1. 〈Kart.〉 Stich 2. 〈Würfelspiel〉 Auge [frz., „Punkt“ <lat. punctum, „Punkt, Stich“] * * * Point [po̯ɛ̃: ], der; s, s [frz. point < lat. punctum, ↑ Punkt]: 1. a) …   Universal-Lexikon

  • point — [n1] speck bit, count, dot, fleck, flyspeck, full stop, iota, mark, minim, mite, mote, notch, particle, period, scrap, stop, tittle, trace; concepts 79,831 point [n2] specific location locality, locus, place, position, site, situation, spot,… …   New thesaurus

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