- assisted circulation
- принудительная циркуляция* * *принудительная циркуляция
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
assisted circulation — pumping that aids the natural activity of the heart … Medical dictionary
Circulation — The movement of fluid in a regular or circuitous course. Although the noun "circulation" does not necessarily refer to the circulation of the blood, for all practical purposes today it does. Heart failure is an example of a problem with … Medical dictionary
Animal-assisted therapy — (AAT) is a relatively new field of study, although the human animal bond has existed for thousands of years. AAT is a type of therapy that involves animals as a form of treatment. The goal of AAT is to improve a patient’s social, emotional, or… … Wikipedia
Vacuum assisted closure wound therapy — Vacuum assisted closure (VAC) is a technique of wound closure used to promote healing in large or chronic wounds, fight infection and enhance healing of burns. VAC seals the wound with a foam dressing and applies negative pressure to the wound… … Wikipedia
Euryclides de Jesus Zerbini — (10 May 1912, Guaratinguetá, São Paulo – 23 October 1993, São Paulo) was a noted Brazilian physician and foremost cardiac surgeon. He is internationally known for performing in 1968 the first heart transplantation in Latin America (and the third… … Wikipedia
Domingo Liotta — in 2007 Domingo Santo Liotta, MD (born November 29, 1924) is a pioneer of heart surgery, creator of multiple cardiac prostheses including the first total artificial heart used in a human being. Contents 1 … Wikipedia
Artificial heart — This article is about the mechanical device. For the album, see Artificial Heart (album). The SynCardia temporary CardioWest Total Artificial Heart … Wikipedia
Corazón artificial — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Un corazón artificial es una prótesis que es implantada en el cuerpo para reemplazar al corazón biológico. Es distinto de una máquina de cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB), que es un dispositivo externo utilizado para… … Wikipedia Español
William S. Pierce — (born January 12, 1937) is the cardiothoracic surgeon and chemical engineer who led development of the first pneumatic heart assist pump. The Pierce Donachy Ventricular Assist Device, also known as the Penn State Assist Pump, was designated an… … Wikipedia
Domingo Liotta — Este artículo o sección necesita referencias que aparezcan en una publicación acreditada, como revistas especializadas, monografías, prensa diaria o páginas de Internet fidedignas. Puedes añadirlas así o avisar … Wikipedia Español
котлоагрегат с принудительной циркуляцией — Котёл докритического давления, в испарительном контуре которого происходит многократная циркуляция воды с использованием рециркуляционного насоса. [А.С.Гольдберг. Англо русский энергетический словарь. 2006 г.] Тематики энергетика в целом EN… … Справочник технического переводчика