- plaster application
- нанесение штукатурки* * *нанесение штукатурки
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Plaster veneer — is a construction methodology for surfacing interior walls, by applying a thin layer of plaster over a substrate typically over specially formulated drywall.History ). Later, drywall became a standard. Typically, drywall is surfaced using the mud … Wikipedia
Plaster — Plas ter, n. [AS., a plaster (in sense 1), fr. L. emplastrum, Gr. ?, ?, fr. ? to daub on, stuff in; ? in + ? to mold: cf. OF. plastre a plaster (in sense 2), F. pl[^a]tre. Cf. {Plastic}, {Emplaster}, {Piaster}.] [Formerly written also… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Plaster cast — Plaster Plas ter, n. [AS., a plaster (in sense 1), fr. L. emplastrum, Gr. ?, ?, fr. ? to daub on, stuff in; ? in + ? to mold: cf. OF. plastre a plaster (in sense 2), F. pl[^a]tre. Cf. {Plastic}, {Emplaster}, {Piaster}.] [Formerly written also… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Plaster of Paris — Plaster Plas ter, n. [AS., a plaster (in sense 1), fr. L. emplastrum, Gr. ?, ?, fr. ? to daub on, stuff in; ? in + ? to mold: cf. OF. plastre a plaster (in sense 2), F. pl[^a]tre. Cf. {Plastic}, {Emplaster}, {Piaster}.] [Formerly written also… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Plaster of Paris bandage — Plaster Plas ter, n. [AS., a plaster (in sense 1), fr. L. emplastrum, Gr. ?, ?, fr. ? to daub on, stuff in; ? in + ? to mold: cf. OF. plastre a plaster (in sense 2), F. pl[^a]tre. Cf. {Plastic}, {Emplaster}, {Piaster}.] [Formerly written also… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Plaster stone — Plaster Plas ter, n. [AS., a plaster (in sense 1), fr. L. emplastrum, Gr. ?, ?, fr. ? to daub on, stuff in; ? in + ? to mold: cf. OF. plastre a plaster (in sense 2), F. pl[^a]tre. Cf. {Plastic}, {Emplaster}, {Piaster}.] [Formerly written also… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
plaster — {{11}}plaster (n.) O.E. plaster medicinal application, from V.L. plastrum, shortened from L. emplastra a plaster (in the medical as well as the building sense), from Gk. emplastron salve, plaster (used by Galen instead of more usual emplaston),… … Etymology dictionary
plaster — noun 1》 a soft mixture of lime with sand or cement and water for spreading on walls and ceilings to form a smooth hard surface when dried. 2》 (also plaster of Paris) a hard white substance made by the addition of water to powdered gypsum, used… … English new terms dictionary
plaster — Synonyms and related words: Ace bandage, Band Aid, Portland cement, Spackle, adherent, adhesive, adhesive tape, adobe, application, ashlar, band, bandage, bandaging, barnacle, bathe, bedaub, besmear, binder, booze up, boozify, brace, bramble,… … Moby Thesaurus
plaster — [OE] Like plastic, plaster comes ultimately from the Greek verb plássein ‘mould’. Combination with the prefix en ‘in’ produced emplássein ‘daub on, plaster’. From its past participle emplastós was derived émplastron ‘medicinal application to the… … The Hutchinson dictionary of word origins
plaster — [OE] Like plastic, plaster comes ultimately from the Greek verb plássein ‘mould’. Combination with the prefix en ‘in’ produced emplássein ‘daub on, plaster’. From its past participle emplastós was derived émplastron ‘medicinal application to the… … Word origins