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Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Wang tile — Wang tiles (or Wang dominoes), first proposed by mathematician Hao Wang in 1961, are a class of formal systems. They are modelled visually by equal sized squares with a color on each edge which can be arranged side by side (on a regular square… … Wikipedia
Ceramic tile cutter — Ceramic tile cutters are used to cut tiles to a required size or shape. They come in a number of different forms, from basic manual devices to complex attachments for power tools. Contents 1 Hand tools 2 Tile nippers 3 Glass cutter 4 … Wikipedia
Regular Division of the Plane — is a series of drawings by the Dutch artist M. C. Escher which began in 1936. These images are based on the principle of tessellation, irregular shapes or combinations of shapes that interlock completely to cover a surface or plane.The… … Wikipedia
pro|jec|tile — «pruh JEHK tuhl», noun, adjective. –n. an object that can be thrown, hurled, or shot, such as a stone, spear, or bullet: »In this chapter we shall discuss the motion of a projectile, such as a baseball or golf ball, a bomb released from a plane,… … Useful english dictionary
VDP2 32-bit background and scroll plane video display processor — The VDP 2 serves as the Sega Saturn s background processor. Certain special effects such as texture transparency and playfield rotation and scrolling (up to five fields at any given time) are handled here.Both the VDP2 and VDP1 32 bit video… … Wikipedia
Schwarz triangle — In geometry, a Schwarz triangle, named after Hermann Schwarz is a spherical triangle that can be used to tile a sphere, possibly overlapping, through reflections in its edges. They were classified in (Schwarz 1873). These can be defined more… … Wikipedia
Electronically scanned array — An electronically scanned array (ESA), or a phased array, offers many advantages over mechanically scanned antennas such as instantaneous beam scanning, the availability of multiple concurrent agile beams and concurrently operating radar modes.… … Wikipedia
Tiling by regular polygons — Plane tilings by regular polygons have been widely used since antiquity. The first systematic mathematical treatment was that of Kepler in Harmonices Mundi . Regular tilings Following Grünbaum and Shephard (section 1.3), a tiling is said to be… … Wikipedia
Geronimo Stilton — Tile of the muretto in Alassio For the TV series of the same name, see Geronimo Stilton (TV series) Geronimo Stilton is a best selling children s book series published by Edizioni Piemme of Milan, Italy, since 2000. Scholastic Corporation has… … Wikipedia
Polyomino — The 18 one sided pentominoes, including 6 mirrored pairs … Wikipedia
Tessellation — A tessellation of pavement A honeycomb is an example of a t … Wikipedia