- pipe tee
- тройник
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Tee — Tee, n. 1. A short piece of pipe having a lateral outlet, used to connect a line of pipe with a pipe at a right angle with the line; so called because it resembles the letter {T} in shape. [1913 Webster] 2. The letter T, t; also, something shaped … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Tee (disambiguation) — Tee is a three letter abbreviation with multiple meanings, including: * T, a letter of the alphabet * Tee, an item of sports equipment, used a.o. in golf. * Tee, part of a golf course from where each golfer plays his first shot at each hole. * T… … Wikipedia
pipe fitting — pipe′ fit ting n. 1) bui a joint or connector, as an elbow, union, or tee, used in a pipe system 2) bui the work performed by a pipe fitter … From formal English to slang
Tee (command) — In computing, tee is a command in various command line interpreters (shells) such as Unix shells, 4DOS/4NT and Windows PowerShell, which displays or pipes the output of a command and copies it into a file or a variable. It is primarily used in… … Wikipedia
Tee (Unix) — Die Funktionsweise von tee: Die Ausgaben des Kommandos ls l werden über tee zum einen zu dem Pager less geleitet, zum anderen in die Datei file.txt. Das Stream Verlaufsdiagramm sieht aus wie ein T Stück, daher der Name. tee ist ein Standard Unix… … Deutsch Wikipedia
pipe fitting — noun fitting consisting of threaded pieces of pipe for joining pipes together • Syn: ↑pipefitting • Hypernyms: ↑fitting • Hyponyms: ↑reducer * * * noun 1 … Useful english dictionary
Pipe (fluid conveyance) — For structural pipe, see Hollow structural section. For other uses, see Pipe (disambiguation). Steel pipes … Wikipedia
tee (Unix) — Die Funktionsweise von tee: Die Ausgaben des Kommandos ls l werden über tee zum einen zu dem Pager less geleitet, zum anderen in die Datei file.txt. Das Stream Verlaufsdiagramm sieht aus wie ein T Stück, daher der Name. tee ist ein Standard Unix… … Deutsch Wikipedia
tee — I [[t]ti[/t]] n. 1) the letter T or t. 2) bui something shaped like aT, as a three way pipe joint 3) bui T bar 1) 4) clo T shirt 5) spo the mark aimed at in various games, as curling 6) shaped like aT, esp. with a crosspiece at the top •… … From formal English to slang
tee branch pipe — trišakis vamzdis statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. tee branch pipe; T pipe vok. Dreischenkelrohr, n; Dreiwegstück, n; T Muffe, f; T Stück, n rus. тройник, m pranc. tube en T, m; tuyau à trois voies, m … Automatikos terminų žodynas
pipe fitting — 1. a joint or connector, as an elbow, union, or tee, used in a pipe system. 2. the work performed by a pipe fitter. [1885 90; PIPE1 + FIT1 + ING1] * * * … Universalium