- permeability of soil
- проницаемость грунта
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Soil mechanics — is a discipline that applies principles of engineering mechanics, e.g. kinematics, dynamics, fluid mechanics, and mechanics of material, to predict the mechanical behavior of soils. Together with Rock mechanics, it is the basis for solving many… … Wikipedia
Soil survey — Soil survey, or soil mapping, is the process of classifying soil types and other soil properties in a given area and geo encoding such information. It applies the principles of soil science, and draws heavily from geomorphology, theories of soil… … Wikipedia
Soil compaction — occurs when weight of livestock or heavy machinery compresses soil, causing it to lose pore space. Affected soils become less able to absorb rainfall, thus increasing runoff and erosion. Plants have difficulty in compacted soil because the… … Wikipedia
permeability coefficient — noun (geology) A measure of the ability of a rock or soil to allow fluids to pass through it • • • Main Entry: ↑permeate … Useful english dictionary
soil — soil1 soilless, adj. /soyl/, n. 1. the portion of the earth s surface consisting of disintegrated rock and humus. 2. a particular kind of earth: sandy soil. 3. the ground as producing vegetation or as cultivated for its crops: fertile soil. 4. a… … Universalium
soil mechanics — the branch of civil engineering that deals with the mechanical behavior of soil and similar materials when they are compressed or sheared or when liquids flow through them. * * * Study of soils and their utilization, especially in planning… … Universalium
Permeability (electromagnetism) — Magnetic Circuits Conventional Magnetic Circuits Magnetomotive force Magnetic flux Φ Magnetic reluctance Phasor Magnetic Circuits Complex reluctance Zμ … Wikipedia
Soil — For other uses, see Soil (disambiguation). A represents soil; B represents laterite, a regolith; C represents saprolite, a less weathered regolith; the bottommost layer represents bedrock … Wikipedia
Universal Soil Loss Equation — Models of soil erosion play critical roles in soil and water resource conservation and nonpoint source pollution assessments, including: sediment load assessment and inventory, conservation planning and design for sediment control, and for the… … Wikipedia
Characterisation of pore space in soil — Soil is essential to most animals on the earth. It is a relatively thin crust where an even smaller portion contains much of the biological activity. Soil consists of three different phases. A solid phase (≈ 20%) that contains mainly minerals of… … Wikipedia
Consolidation (soil) — Consolidation is a process by which soils decrease in volume. According to Karl Terzaghi consolidation is any process which involves decrease in water content of a saturated soil without replacement of water by air. [citation needed] In general… … Wikipedia