perimeter zone

perimeter zone
периметральная [периферийная] зона

Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "perimeter zone" в других словарях:

  • Zone defense — is a type of defense, used in team sports, which is the alternative to man to man defense; instead of each player guarding a corresponding player on the other team, each defensive player is given an area known as a zone to cover. A zone defense… …   Wikipedia

  • perimeter — I noun ambit, border, borderline, boundary, bounds, brink, circuit, circumference, compass, configuration, confines, contour, curb, delineation, edge, enclosure, frontier, girdle, limit, limitations, margin, outline, outside edge, pale, periphery …   Law dictionary

  • zone — 1 n: a specifically designated section of a larger area or territory: as a: a section of a municipality controlled by specific restrictions on permitted use (as for residences or agriculture) b: a distance within which the same fare is charged by …   Law dictionary

  • Zone of alienation — The Zone of Alienation, which is variously referred to as The Chernobyl Zone, The 30 Kilometer Zone, The Zone of Exclusion, The Fourth Zone, or simply The Zone (Ukrainian official designation: Зона відчуження Чорнобильської АЕС, zona… …   Wikipedia

  • Perimeter — Ein Perimeter (aus griech. peri ‘um herum’ und griech. metron ‘Maß, Messwerkzeug’) ist: Umfang einer ebenen geometrischen Figur Perimeterpflicht abstrakte Beitragspflicht an einem öffentlichen Unternehmen ein augenärztliches Instrument zur… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Landing Zone — A Landing Zone or LZ is a military term for any area where aircraft land.In the United States military, a landing zone is the actual point where aircraft land (equivalent to the commonwealth landing point.)In commonwealth militaries, a landing… …   Wikipedia

  • Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant Exclusion Zone — Coordinates: 51°18′0″N 30°0′18″E / 51.3°N 30.005°E / 51.3; 30.005 …   Wikipedia

  • Green Zone — The Green Zone (the common name for the International Zone of Iraq) is a 10 km² (4 mile²) area in central Baghdad that was the center of the Coalition Provisional Authority and remains the center of the international presence in the city. Its… …   Wikipedia

  • Ponce Historic Zone — The 1882 Parque de Bombas, long the iconic symbol of the city The Ponce Historic Zone (La Zona Histórica de Ponce) is a historic district in downtown Ponce, Puerto Rico with construction that dates to the late nineteenth and early twentieth… …   Wikipedia

  • Match-up zone defense — is a type of defense used in the game of basketball. It is commonly referred to as a combination defense, as it combines certain aspects of man to man defense and zone defense. Perhaps the most famous user of the match up zone was John Chaney,… …   Wikipedia

  • demilitarized zone — noun a zone from which military forces or operations or installations are prohibited tensions exist on both sides of the demilitarized zone separating North Korea and South Korea • Syn: ↑DMZ • Hypernyms: ↑zone * * * 1. an area in which it is… …   Useful english dictionary

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