- periglacial
- перигляциальный (протекающий в районах с холодным климатом)
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Periglacial — is an adjective referring to places in the edges of glacial areas, normally those related to past ice ages rather than those in the modern era. That is to say, at the time in question, the area was not buried by flowing ice but was subject to… … Wikipedia
periglacial — areas, objects or processes near the edge of a glacier … Dictionary of ichthyology
periglacial — /per i glay sheuhl/, adj. Geol. occurring or operating adjacent to the margin of a glacier. [1925 30; PERI + GLACIAL] * * * … Universalium
periglacial — adjective pɛɹəˈɡleɪʃəl Of or pertaining to the area around the edge of a glacier. See Also: periglaciation … Wiktionary
periglacial — the area at the edge of a glacier or ice sheet which is not covered by ice but experiences very cold conditions. May also be used to refer to high altitude environments or cold high latitudes as well … Geography glossary
periglacial — pe|ri|gla|ci|al Mot Agut Adjectiu invariable … Diccionari Català-Català
periglacial — (adjective) Pertaining to processes, conditions, areas, climates, and topographic features occurring at the immediate margins of glaciers and ice sheets, and influenced by cold temperature of the ice. The term was originally introduced to… … Glossary of landform and geologic terms
periglacial — adjective Geology relating to or denoting an area adjacent to a glacier or ice sheet or otherwise subject to repeated freezing and thawing … English new terms dictionary
periglacial — peri·glacial … English syllables
periglacial — adj. of or relating to a region adjoining a glacier … Useful english dictionary
valley — valleylike, adj. /val ee/, n., pl. valleys. 1. an elongated depression between uplands, hills, or mountains, esp. one following the course of a stream. 2. an extensive, more or less flat, and relatively low region drained by a great river system … Universalium