paving flag

paving flag
каменная плита для мощения (тротуаров, дворов и т. п.)

Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "paving flag" в других словарях:

  • flag — Ⅰ. flag [1] ► NOUN 1) an oblong piece of cloth that is raised on or attached to a pole and used as an emblem or marker. 2) a device or symbol resembling a flag, used as a marker. 3) a small paper badge given to people who donate to a charity… …   English terms dictionary

  • Flag — Flag, n. [Icel. flaga, cf. Icel. flag spot where a turf has been cut out, and E. flake layer, scale. Cf. {Floe}.] 1. A flat stone used for paving. Woodward. [1913 Webster] 2. (Geol.) Any hard, evenly stratified sandstone, which splits into layers …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • flag — Synonyms and related words: Dannebrog, Jolly Roger, Old Glory, Star Spangled Banner, Stars and Stripes, Tarmac, Tarvia, Union Flag, Union Jack, abate, adobe, and blue, ashlar, asphalt, banderole, banner, banneret, bead, beat, beat the drum,… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • paving stone — noun a stone used for paving (Freq. 1) • Hypernyms: ↑stone • Hyponyms: ↑cobble, ↑cobblestone, ↑sett, ↑curbstone, ↑kerbstone, ↑flag, ↑ …   Useful english dictionary

  • flag — 1. n. & v. n. 1 a a piece of cloth, usu. oblong or square, attachable by one edge to a pole or rope and used as a country s emblem or as a standard, signal, etc. b a small toy, device, etc., resembling a flag. 2 Brit. an oblong strip of metal etc …   Useful english dictionary

  • flag — I. /flæg / (say flag) noun 1. a piece of cloth, commonly bunting, of varying size, shape, colour, and device, usually attached by one edge to a staff or cord, and used as an ensign, standard, symbol, signal, decoration, display, etc. 2. a pennant …  

  • Flag (disambiguation) — A flag is a colored cloth with a specified meaning.Flag may also refer to:In computers: * Flag (computing), a true/false, on/off or open/closed indicator (boolean variable) * FLAGS register (computing), a CPU register on x86 systems * Fiber Optic …   Wikipedia

  • flag — flag1 noun 1》 an oblong piece of cloth that is raised on a pole and used as an emblem, especially of nationality.     ↘a ship s ensign. 2》 a device or symbol resembling a flag, used as a marker. 3》 a small paper badge given to people who donate… …   English new terms dictionary

  • flag — Verb: To droop; to lose speed. To signal with a flag. To signal a bus or train to stop for a passenger. Noun: Flat stones used in making a sidewalk or the portion of a street set apart for use by pedestrians, occasionally used in paving ways for… …   Ballentine's law dictionary

  • flag — I. noun Etymology: Middle English flagge reed, rush Date: 14th century any of various monocotyledonous plants with long ensiform leaves: as a. iris; especially a wild iris b. sweet flag II. noun Usage: often attributive …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • flag — flæg n. banner, pennant; paving stone; any of a number of plants with long slender leaves (such as the iris, blue flag, etc.); tufts of feathers on the legs of birds; special symbol used to mark unusual data (Computers) v. decorate with flags;… …   English contemporary dictionary

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