
1) общая комната, гостиная (в квартире); приёмная
2) отдельный кабинет, зал (в ресторане)
3) амер. зал; ателье; салон; кабинет
- sun parlor
* * *
1.   общая комната, маленькая гостиная (в квартире)
2.   отдельный кабинет или зал (в ресторане)
3.   приёмная (в учреждении)
4.   амер. зал; ателье, салон; кабинет
- beauty parlor
- ice-cream parlor
- sun parlor

Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "parlor" в других словарях:

  • Parlor — Par lor, n. [OE. parlour, parlur, F. parloir, LL. parlatorium. See {Parley}.] [Written also {parlour}.] 1. A room for business or social conversation, for the reception of guests, etc. Specifically: (a) The apartment in a monastery or nunnery… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • parlor — [pär′lər] n. [ME parlour < OFr parleor < parler: see PARLEY] 1. a) Archaic a room set aside for the entertainment of guests; formal sitting room b) Old fashioned any living room 2. a small, semiprivate sitting room or meeting room apart… …   English World dictionary

  • parlor — (n.) early 13c., parlur, from O.Fr. parleor (12c.), from parler to speak (see PARLEY (Cf. parley)). Originally window through which confessions were made, also apartment in a monastery for conversations with outside persons; sense of sitting room …   Etymology dictionary

  • parlor — index chamber (compartment) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • parlor — [n] sitting room drawing room, front room, guest room, living room, lounge, reception, salon, waiting room; concept 448 …   New thesaurus

  • parlor — I. noun Etymology: Middle English parlour, from Anglo French, from parler Date: 13th century 1. a room used primarily for conversation or the reception of guests: as a. a room in a private dwelling for the entertainment of guests b. a conference… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • parlor — /pahr leuhr/, n. 1. Older Use. a room for the reception and entertainment of visitors to one s home; living room. 2. a room, apartment, or building serving as a place of business for certain businesses or professions: funeral parlor; beauty… …   Universalium

  • parlor — par|lor [ parlər ] noun count 1. ) a name used by some businesses for the store or room where they do their business: an ice cream parlor a massage/tattoo parlor => BEAUTY PARLOR 2. ) OLD FASHIONED a room in a house where you entertain guests …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • parlor — n. 1) a beauty; funeral; massage parlor 2) a sun parlor (AE; BE has sun lounge) USAGE NOTE: The services offered by a massage parlor are often sexual rather than therapeutic …   Combinatory dictionary

  • parlor — par•lor [[t]ˈpɑr lər[/t]] n. 1) a room in a home for receiving visitors; living room 2) brit. a shop or business establishment: ice cream parlor; beauty parlor[/ex] 3) brit. a somewhat private room in a hotel, club, or the like for relaxation,… …   From formal English to slang

  • parlor — Synonyms and related words: agency, atelier, barbershop, beauty parlor, beauty shop, bench, best room, butcher shop, company, concern, corporation, desk, drawing room, establishment, facility, firm, foreroom, front room, house, installation,… …   Moby Thesaurus

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