- parish territory
- посёлок; территория общины
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Parish — • A portion of a diocese under the authority of a priest legitimately appointed to secure the helps of religion for the faithful dwelling therein Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Parish Parish … Catholic encyclopedia
Parish L. Willis — Parish Lovejoy Willis Oregon State Senator In office 1891 – 1895 Constituency Multnomah County … Wikipedia
parish — [par′ish] n. [ME parissche < OFr parroche < LL(Ec) parochia, for paroecia < LGr(Ec) paroikia, a diocese < Gr, a sojourning (in a foreign land, or, by early Christians, on earth) < paroikos, a stranger < para (see PARA 1) + oikos … English World dictionary
parish — par ish (p[a^]r [i^]sh), n. [OE. parishe, paresche, parosche, OF. paroisse, parosse, paroiche, F. paroisse, L. parochia, corrupted fr. paroecia, Gr. paroiki a, fr. pa roikos dwelling beside or near; para beside + o i^kos a house, dwelling; akin… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
parish — [n] congregation of a church archdiocese, bethel, church, churchgoers, community, flock*, fold*, parishioners, territory; concept 369 … New thesaurus
Parish (administrative division) — This article is about civil administration. For the ecclesiastical parish, see Parish. For other uses, see Parish (disambiguation). A parish is an administrative division used by several countries. In the British Isles it is known as a civil… … Wikipedia
Parish — This article is about ecclesiastical administration. For the administrative or civil parish, see Parish (administrative division). For other uses, see Parish (disambiguation). St Margarete Parish Church, Berndorf, Lower Austria, surrounded by… … Wikipedia
territory — Synonyms and related words: Kreis, Lebensraum, acres, air space, airspace, alluvion, alluvium, ally, ambit, arable land, archbishopric, archdiocese, archduchy, archdukedom, area, arrondissement, back country, bailiwick, belt, bishopric, body… … Moby Thesaurus
parish — Synonyms and related words: Kreis, archbishopric, archdiocese, arrondissement, assembly, bailiwick, bishopric, borough, brethren, canton, churchgoers, city, class, commune, conference, congregation, congressional district, constablewick, county,… … Moby Thesaurus
parish — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) n. fold, church, laity, congregation, flock; parsonage, vicarage, manse; territory, region, area. See abode. II (Roget s 3 Superthesaurus) n. parishioners, congregation, churchgoers, fold, assembly,… … English dictionary for students
Parish — (Roget s IV) n. Syn. ecclesiastical unit, charge, archdiocese, congregation, demesne, cure, parochial unit, territory, county (in Louisiana), diocese; see also area 2 , church 3 … English dictionary for students