- asbestos roofing
- асбестоцементное кровельное покрытие
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
asbestos — [as bes′təs, azbes′təs] n. [ME asbestus < L asbestos < Gr, inextinguishable < a , not + sbestos < sbennynai, to extinguish: first applied in Gr & L to unslaked lime or a mineral other than asbestos] any of several grayish minerals, as … English World dictionary
Asbestos — For other uses, see Asbestos (disambiguation). Fibrous asbestos on muscovite … Wikipedia
asbestos — asbestine /as bes tin, az /, asbestous, adj. asbestoid, asbestoidal, adj. /as bes teuhs, az /, n. 1. Mineral. a fibrous mineral, either amphibole or chrysotile, formerly used for making incombustible or fireproof articles. 2. a fabric woven from… … Universalium
Asbestos — Asbestus As*bes tus, Asbestos As*bes tos (?; 277), n. [L. asbestos (NL. asbestus) a kind of mineral unaffected by fire, Gr. ? (prop. an adj.) inextinguishable; a priv. + ? to extinguish.] (Min.) A variety of amphibole or of pyroxene, occurring in … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
roofing — (Roget s IV) n. Varieties of roofing material include: felt, composition, roll roofing, shingles, wood shingles, composition shingles, asbestos, slate shingles, tile, asphalt, tar, shake, copper, tin, galvanized iron, thatch, straw, sod … English dictionary for students
roofing felt — /ˈrufɪŋ fɛlt/ (say roohfing felt) noun sheets of matted fibres as asbestos, flax, etc., treated with coal tar, bitumen, or pitch, and generally used for waterproofing roofs …
prepared roofing — noun : roofing consisting of asbestos felt or rag felt saturated with asphalt and assembled with asphalt cement called also roll roofing … Useful english dictionary
Cross River — River, western Africa. Rising in the highlands of Cameroon, it flows west and south through Nigeria. Its course, some 300 mi (485 km) long, runs through dense tropical rainforest and mangrove swamps to the Bight of Biafra. It is navigable through … Universalium
multihazard — adjective Involving more than one type of hazard. With its asbestos roofing and unshielded machinery, the factory was a multihazard environment … Wiktionary
Roof — A roof is the covering on the uppermost part of a building. A roof protects the building and its contents from the effects of weather. Structures that require roofs range from a letter box to a cathedral or stadium, dwellings being the most… … Wikipedia
Roof construction — This article is about house construction that consists of beams and an outer weatherproof skin, as found on most domestic architecture. Such roofs may take a number of different shapes. Construction of a ridged roofA simple ridged roof consists… … Wikipedia