- outside dimensions
- наружные (линейные) размеры
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
outside caliper — noun caliper for measuring outside dimensions; points on its legs curve inward • Hypernyms: ↑caliper, ↑calliper * * * noun : a caliper for measuring outside dimensions * * * a caliper whose legs turn inward so that it can measure outside… … Useful english dictionary
outside caliper — a caliper whose legs turn inward so that it can measure outside dimensions, as the diameter of a rod. See illus. under caliper. [1870 75] * * * … Universalium
outside caliper — A machinists caliper used to check outside dimensions. See caliper … Dictionary of automotive terms
Dimensions in Time — Doctor Who serial Cast Doctor Sylvester McCoy (Seventh Doctor) … Wikipedia
outside parcel — A mail processing category for a mailpiece that exceeds the dimensions for machinable parcel or a high density item (other than a book or printed matter) … Glossary of postal terms
Other dimensions of the Discworld — Discworld, the fictional planet of a fantasy series by Terry Pratchett exists at a point near the very edge of universe s reality spectrum. From here, the fabric of the fictional universe s reality is gossamer and thin, and excessive pushing can… … Wikipedia
Cognitive dimensions of notations — Hidden dependency redirects here. Cognitive dimensions or Cognitive dimensions of notations [1] are design principles for notations, user interfaces and programming language design, described by researchers Thomas R.G. Green and Marian Petre. The … Wikipedia
Multiple time dimensions — The possibility that there might be more than one dimension of time has occasionally been discussed in physics and philosophy. Contents 1 Physics 2 Philosophy 3 In fiction 4 See also … Wikipedia
Greek temple — Greek temples (Ancient Greek: polytonic|ὁ ναός , gr. ho naós dwelling , semantically distinct from Latin la. templum temple ) were structures built to house the cult statues within Greek sanctuaries. The temples themselves did usually not… … Wikipedia
ГОСТ 17527-86: Упаковка. Термины и определения — Терминология ГОСТ 17527 86: Упаковка. Термины и определения оригинал документа: 49. Ампула D. Ampulle E. Ampoule F. Ampoule Разовая потребительская тара с цилиндрическим корпусом и вытянутой горловиной, герметично запаиваемой после наполнения… … Словарь-справочник терминов нормативно-технической документации
Langstroth hive — The Langstroth bee hive is the standard beehive used in many parts of the world for bee keeping. The advantage of the Langstroth hive over hives previous to its invention on October 30, 1851, is that the bees build honeycomb into frames, which… … Wikipedia