one-hinged arch

one-hinged arch
одношарнирная арка

Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "one-hinged arch" в других словарях:

  • Truss arch bridge — A truss arch bridge combines the elements of the truss bridge and the arch bridge. The actual resolution of forces will depend upon the design. If no horizontal thrusting forces are generated this becomes an arch shaped truss, essentially a bent… …   Wikipedia

  • Peace Arch — Infobox nrhp | name =Peace Arch nrhp type = caption = The Peace Arch from the US side. location= Blaine, WA Surrey, BC lat degrees = 49 | lat minutes = 0 | lat seconds = 7.66 | lat direction = N long degrees = 122 | long minutes = 45 | long… …   Wikipedia

  • bridge — bridge1 bridgeable, adj. bridgeless, adj. bridgelike, adj. /brij/, n., v., bridged, bridging, adj. n. 1. a structure spanning and providing passage over a river, chasm, road, or the like. 2. a connecting, transitional, or intermediate route or… …   Universalium

  • Robert Maillart — (February 6, 1872 April 5, 1940) was a Swiss civil engineer who revolutionized reinforced concrete with such designs as the three hinged arch, the deck stiffened arch, and the mushroom slab. Education Maillart attended the… …   Wikipedia

  • Dragon Bridge — Official name The Jubilee Bridge of the Emperor Franz Josef I Crosses Ljubljanica river …   Wikipedia

  • snake — snakelike, adj. /snayk/, n., v., snaked, snaking. n. 1. any of numerous limbless, scaly, elongate reptiles of the suborder Serpentes, comprising venomous and nonvenomous species inhabiting tropical and temperate areas. 2. a treacherous person; an …   Universalium

  • Whirlpool Rapids Bridge — Coordinates: 43°06′33″N 79°03′30″W / 43.109208°N 79.058336°W / 43.109208; 79.058336 …   Wikipedia

  • Malmskillnadsbron — Night view of Kungsgatan centred on Malmskillnadsbron and Kungstornen. Malmskillnadsbron (Swedish: The Malmskillnad Bridge ) is an arch bridge in central Stockholm, Sweden. It takes the street Malmskillnadsgatan over Kungsgatan ( The King s… …   Wikipedia

  • Gustave Eiffel — Infobox Architect caption= name= Alexandre Gustavo Eiffel nationality=French birth date=birth date|1832|12|15|mf=y birth place= Dijon, Côte d Or, France death date=death date and age|1923|12|27|1832|12|15|mf=y death place=Rue Rabelais in Paris… …   Wikipedia

  • building construction — Techniques and industry involved in the assembly and erection of structures. Early humans built primarily for shelter, using simple methods. Building materials came from the land, and fabrication was dictated by the limits of the materials and… …   Universalium

  • mammal — mammallike, adj. /mam euhl/, n. any vertebrate of the class Mammalia, having the body more or less covered with hair, nourishing the young with milk from the mammary glands, and, with the exception of the egg laying monotremes, giving birth to… …   Universalium

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