- obstacle
- препятствие, помеха* * *препятствие- natural obstacles
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
obstacle — [ ɔpstakl ] n. m. • 1220; lat. obstaculum, de obstare « se tenir (stare) devant » 1 ♦ Ce qui s oppose au passage, gêne le mouvement. Le vent « ne rencontre aucun obstacle naturel sur le plateau » (Camus). « la voiture fit un écart pour ne pas… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Obstacle 1 — «Obstacle 1» Сингл I … Википедия
Obstacle 1 — Single by Interpol from the album Turn On the Bright Lights Released November 11, 2002 September 15, 2003 (Reissue) … Wikipedia
Obstacle — to traffic caused by a collapse in highway 140, in Ferguson, state of California (USA), on 21 April 2008 02:36:01 PM PDT An obstacle (also called a barrier or a stumbling block) is an object, thing, action or situation that causes an obstruction … Wikipedia
obstacle — OBSTACLE. s. m. Empeschement, opposition, ce qui empesche qu une chose ne soit, ne se fasse, ne reüssisse. Grand obstacle. obstacle invincible. vaincre un obstacle. surmonter un obstacle. former des obstacles. faire naistre un obstacle, des… … Dictionnaire de l'Académie française
obstacle — obstacle, obstruction, impediment, bar, snag denote something which seriously hampers action or progress. Obstacle, which is used of both material and immaterial things, applies to an object, condition, or situation which stands in one s way and… … New Dictionary of Synonyms
obstacle — [äb′stə kəl] n. [OFr < L obstaculum, obstacle < obstare, to withstand < ob (see OB ) + stare, to STAND] anything that gets in the way or hinders; impediment; obstruction; hindrance SYN. OBSTACLE is used of anything which literally or… … English World dictionary
obstacle — (n.) mid 14c., from O.Fr. obstacle, ostacle hindrance (13c.), from L. obstaculum a hindrance, obstacle, with instrumental suffix * tlom + obstare stand opposite to, block, hinder, from ob against (see OB (Cf. ob )) + stare to stand, from PIE … Etymology dictionary
Obstacle — Ob sta*cle, n. [F., fr. L. obstaculum, fr. obstare to withstand, oppose; ob (see {Ob }) + stare to stand. See {Stand}. and cf. {Oust}, v.] That which stands in the way, or opposes; anything that hinders progress; a hindrance; an obstruction,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
obstacle — I noun arrest, balk, barricade, barrier, block, bridle, catch, check, constraint, curb, dam, delay, detainment, difficulty, disallowance, drawback, embargo, enjoining, estoppel, fence, forbiddance, hamper, handicap, hindrance, hurdle, impediment … Law dictionary
obstacle — [n] impediment, barrier bar, block, booby trap*, bump*, catch, Catch 22*, check, clog*, crimp*, difficulty, disincentive, encumbrance, hamper, handicap, hang up*, hardship, hindrance, hitch*, hurdle, interference, interruption, joker*, monkey… … New thesaurus