- nut socket
- гнездо с резьбой
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Socket — Sock et, n. [OE. soket, a dim. through OF. fr. L. soccus. See {Sock} a covering for the foot.] 1. An opening into which anything is fitted; any hollow thing or place which receives and holds something else; as, the sockets of the teeth. [1913… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Socket bolt — Socket Sock et, n. [OE. soket, a dim. through OF. fr. L. soccus. See {Sock} a covering for the foot.] 1. An opening into which anything is fitted; any hollow thing or place which receives and holds something else; as, the sockets of the teeth.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Socket chisel — Socket Sock et, n. [OE. soket, a dim. through OF. fr. L. soccus. See {Sock} a covering for the foot.] 1. An opening into which anything is fitted; any hollow thing or place which receives and holds something else; as, the sockets of the teeth.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Socket pipe — Socket Sock et, n. [OE. soket, a dim. through OF. fr. L. soccus. See {Sock} a covering for the foot.] 1. An opening into which anything is fitted; any hollow thing or place which receives and holds something else; as, the sockets of the teeth.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Socket pole — Socket Sock et, n. [OE. soket, a dim. through OF. fr. L. soccus. See {Sock} a covering for the foot.] 1. An opening into which anything is fitted; any hollow thing or place which receives and holds something else; as, the sockets of the teeth.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Socket wrench — Socket Sock et, n. [OE. soket, a dim. through OF. fr. L. soccus. See {Sock} a covering for the foot.] 1. An opening into which anything is fitted; any hollow thing or place which receives and holds something else; as, the sockets of the teeth.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
socket wrench — n. a wrench with a cylindrical socket that fits over a nut or bolt of a specific size and shape … English World dictionary
socket spanner — noun A spanner with a socketed head made to fit over a nut or a bolt • • • Main Entry: ↑socket … Useful english dictionary
Socket wrench — A socket wrench, more commonly referred to as a ratchet, is a type of wrench, or tightening tool, that uses separate, removable sockets to fit many different sizes of fittings and fasteners, most commonly nuts and bolts. It generally includes a… … Wikipedia
Nut driver — A ¼ Xcelite nut driver. A nut driver is a tool for tightening nuts and bolts. It essentially consists of a socket attached to a shaft and cylindrical handle and is similar in appearance and use to a screwdriver. They generally have a hollow shaft … Wikipedia
socket — [1] A hollow part or piece adapted or contrived to receive and hold something. [2] As a tool, it is usually barrel shaped with one open end to fit over a nut or bolt and the other open end with a female square drive to accept a drive tool (i.e.,… … Dictionary of automotive terms