number of bars

number of bars
количество арматурных стержней

Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "number of bars" в других словарях:

  • Bars radar — Bars Country of origin Russia Type Slotted Planar/PESA Frequency X band The Bars are a family of Russian (former USSR) all weather multimode airborne radars developed by the Tikhomirov Scientific Research Institute of Ins …   Wikipedia

  • Bars per minute — Bars per Minute, also known as Measures per Minute (MPM), is another way to measure the speed of music. It is a similar system to measuring the Beats per Minute (BPM) of a song. However, measuring BPM does not take into account the time signature …   Wikipedia

  • Number Pieces — Two time brackets from Five (1988), the first one flexible, the second fixed The term Number Pieces refers to a body of late compositions by John Cage. Each piece is named after the number of performers involved: for instance, Seven is a piece… …   Wikipedia

  • Number Eight (Battlestar Galactica) — This article is about the characters from the reimagining of Battlestar Galactica; for the original characters, see Lieutenant Boomer and Lieutenant Athena. Number Eight Sharon Boomer Valerii Sharon Athena Agathon Battlestar Galactica character …   Wikipedia

  • number — I. n 1. a marihuana cigarette, joint. A vogue term of the late 1960s originating in the USA and deriving from the use of number to mean item, piece or unit. The word remains in use among cannabis smokers. ► Roll another number for the road. (Song …   Contemporary slang

  • bars — Base Base, n. [F. base, L. basis, fr. Gr. ba sis a stepping, step, a base, pedestal, fr. bai nein to go, step, akin to E. come. Cf. {Basis}, and see {Come}.] 1. The bottom of anything, considered as its support, or that on which something rests… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Sugar Bars — Horse infobox horsename = Sugar Bars caption = Sugar Bars breed = Quarter Horse discipline = Racing sire = Three Bars (TB) grandsire = Percentage (TB) dam = Frontera Sugar damsire = Rey sex = Stallion foaled = 1951 country = United States color …   Wikipedia

  • Stars and bars (probability) — In the context of combinatorial mathematics, stars and bars refers to a trick used to derive certain combinatorial theorems. Statements of theorems Theorem one For any pair of positive integers n and k , the number of distinct n tuples of… …   Wikipedia

  • O'Briens Irish Sandwich Bars — Ballsbridge kiosk in Dublin, Ireland O Briens Irish Sandwich Bars, also known as O Briens, is an international franchise sandwich bar chain founded in Ireland in 1988 by Brody Sweeney. As of October 2009, O Briens was operated by Irish fast food… …   Wikipedia

  • Chewy Granola Bars — is a subsidiary of the Quaker Oats Company which consists of a number of varieties of snacking granola bars. Flavors include Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip, Chocolate Chunk, S mores, Honey Nut, Apple Cinnamon, and Oatmeal Raisin. Recently, Quaker… …   Wikipedia

  • 17 (number) — ← 16 18 → 17 ← 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 …   Wikipedia

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