arrangement of reinforcement

arrangement of reinforcement
расположение арматуры
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расположение арматуры (в железобетонной конструкции)

Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "arrangement of reinforcement" в других словарях:

  • Sound reinforcement system — A sound reinforcement system is an arrangement of microphones, electronic signal processors, amplifiers, and loudspeakers that makes live or pre recorded sounds usually music or speech louder, or that distributes the sound to a larger or more… …   Wikipedia

  • Applied behavior analysis — (ABA) is the science of applying experimentally derived principles of behavior to improve socially significant behavior. ABA takes what we know about behavior and uses it to bring about positive change (Applied). Behaviors are defined in… …   Wikipedia

  • architecture — /ahr ki tek cheuhr/, n. 1. the profession of designing buildings, open areas, communities, and other artificial constructions and environments, usually with some regard to aesthetic effect. Architecture often includes design or selection of… …   Universalium

  • Edinburgh —    EDINBURGH, a city, the seat of a university, and the metropolis of the kingdom of Scotland, situated in longitude 3° 10 30 (W.), and latitude 55° 57 29 (N.), about a mile (S. by W.) from Leith, 40 miles (S.S.W.) from Dundee, 42 (E. by N.) from …   A Topographical dictionary of Scotland

  • Zhuge Liang's Northern Expeditions — Northern Expeditions Part of the wars of the Three Kingdoms Date Spring 228 August 234 Location Gansu and Shaanxi, China …   Wikipedia

  • Architecture of the medieval cathedrals of England — The medieval cathedrals of England, dating from between approximately 1040 and 1540, are a group of twenty five buildings which together constitute a major aspect of the country’s artistic heritage and are among the most significant material… …   Wikipedia

  • industrial polymers, major — Introduction       chemical compounds used in the manufacture of synthetic industrial materials.       In the commercial production of plastics, elastomers, man made fibres, adhesives, and surface coatings, a tremendous variety of polymers are… …   Universalium

  • automobile — automobilist /aw teuh meuh bee list, moh bi list/, n. /aw teuh meuh beel , aw teuh meuh beel , aw teuh moh beel, beuhl/, n. 1. a passenger vehicle designed for operation on ordinary roads and typically having four wheels and a gasoline or diesel… …   Universalium

  • plastic — plastically, plasticly, adv. /plas tik/, n. 1. Often, plastics. any of a group of synthetic or natural organic materials that may be shaped when soft and then hardened, including many types of resins, resinoids, polymers, cellulose derivatives,… …   Universalium

  • List of Mobile Suit Gundam military units — The anime series Mobile Suit Gundam, set in the fictional Universal Century timeline, is centered around the conflict known as the One Year War between two military factions: the earthbound Earth Federation Forces and the spacebound Principality… …   Wikipedia

  • Positive behavior support — strives to use a system to understand what maintains an individual’s challenging behavior. Students’ inappropriate behaviors are difficult to change because they are functional; they serve a purpose for the child. These behaviors are supported by …   Wikipedia

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