normal stage

normal stage
нормальный, расчётный уровень
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бытовой уровень воды

Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "normal stage" в других словарях:

  • Normal pressure hydrocephalus — Classification and external resources ICD 10 G91.2 ICD 9 331.9 …   Wikipedia

  • stage I testicular cancer — Stage I is divided into stage IA, stage IB, and stage IS, and is determined after a radical inguinal orchiectomy (surgery to remove the testicle) is done. In stage IA, cancer is in the testicle and epididymis and may have spread to the inner… …   English dictionary of cancer terms

  • stage II testicular cancer — Stage II is divided into stage IIA, stage IIB, and stage IIC, and is determined after a radical inguinal orchiectomy (surgery to remove the testicle) is done. In stage IIA, the cancer is anywhere within the testicle, spermatic cord, or scrotum;… …   English dictionary of cancer terms

  • stage III testicular cancer — Stage III is divided into stage IIIA, stage IIIB, and stage IIIC, and is determined after a radical inguinal orchiectomy (surgery to remove the testicle) is done. In stage IIIA, the cancer is anywhere within the testicle, spermatic cord, or… …   English dictionary of cancer terms

  • stage design — Aesthetic composition of a dramatic production as created by lighting, scenery, costumes, and sound. While elements such as painted screens and wheeled platforms were used in the Greek theatre of the 4th century BC, most innovations in stage… …   Universalium

  • Normal-form game — In game theory, normal form is a way of describing a game. Unlike extensive form, normal form representations are not graphical per se, but rather represent the game by way of a matrix. While this approach can be of greater use in identifying… …   Wikipedia

  • Stage lighting — Modern stage lighting is a flexible tool in the production of theatre, dance, opera and other performance arts. Several different types of stage lighting instruments are used in the pursuit of the various principles or goals of lighting.… …   Wikipedia

  • stage 0 bladder carcinoma in situ — Abnormal cells are found on tissue lining the inside of the bladder. These abnormal cells may become cancer and spread into nearby normal tissue. Stage 0 is divided into stage 0a (papillary carcinoma) and stage 0is (carcinoma in situ), depending… …   English dictionary of cancer terms

  • stage 0 transitional cell carcinoma in situ of the renal pelvis and ureter — Abnormal cells are found in tissue lining the inside of the renal pelvis or ureter. These abnormal cells may become cancer and spread into nearby normal tissue. Stage 0 is divided into stages 0a (papillary carcinoma) and 0is (carcinoma in situ),… …   English dictionary of cancer terms

  • stage 0 testicular carcinoma in situ — Abnormal cells are found in the tiny tubules where the sperm cells begin to develop. These abnormal cells may become cancer and spread into nearby normal tissue. All tumor marker levels are normal …   English dictionary of cancer terms

  • stage II chronic lymphocytic leukemia — There are too many lymphocytes in the blood, the liver or spleen is larger than normal, and the lymph nodes may be larger than normal …   English dictionary of cancer terms

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