- normal contour
- полугоризонталь
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Contour plowing — Contour plowing, Pennsylvania, 1938 Contour bunding , Catalon … Wikipedia
normal — normal, ale, aux [ nɔrmal, o ] adj. et n. f. • 1753; verbe normal h. XVe; lat. normalis, de norma « équerre » 1 ♦ Math. Droite normale, ou n. f. la normale à une courbe, à une surface en un point : droite perpendiculaire à la tangente, au plan… … Encyclopédie Universelle
contour — 1. The outline of a part; the surface configuration. 2. In dentistry, to restore the normal outlines of a broken or otherwise misshapen tooth, or to create the external shape or form of a prosthesis. [L. con (intens.), + torno, to turn (in a… … Medical dictionary
Ford SVT Contour — Manufacturer Ford Motor Company Production 1998–2000 Class Sports sedan … Wikipedia
Ford Contour — Manufacturer Ford Motor Company Also called Mercury Mystique Production 1995–2000 A … Wikipedia
Equal-loudness contour — An equal loudness contour is a measure of sound pressure (dB SPL), over the frequency spectrum, for which a listener perceives a constant loudness when presented with pure steady tones. The unit of measurement for loudness levels is the phon, and … Wikipedia
Multivariate normal distribution — MVN redirects here. For the airport with that IATA code, see Mount Vernon Airport. Probability density function Many samples from a multivariate (bivariate) Gaussian distribution centered at (1,3) with a standard deviation of 3 in roughly the… … Wikipedia
panel contour — The normal shape of a new, undented body panel as produced by the factory … Dictionary of automotive terms
Cooper's ligaments — This article is about Cooper s ligaments of the breast. See Pectineal ligament for the inguinal structure also called Cooper s Ligament. Cooper s ligaments Latin retinaculum cutis mammae, ligamenta suspensoria mammaria Cooper s ligaments (also… … Wikipedia
joint disease — Introduction any of the diseases or injuries that affect human joints (joint). arthritis is no doubt the best known joint disease, but there are also many others. Diseases of the joints may be variously short lived or exceedingly chronic,… … Universalium
overhang — An excess of dental filling material beyond the cavity margin or normal tooth contour. * * * over·hang ō vər .haŋ n a portion of a filling that extends beyond the normal contour of a tooth * * * … Medical dictionary